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YANNIA and ddot had just got finished taking a shroom, and they were just waiting for it to take effect.

"i'm starting to feel it mama." ddot said with a smirk as he continued playing his game. yannia just laughed at her boyfriend as she lit a blunt.

"i dunno, i feel like we should take edibles aswell, or is that too much?" yannia asked with her head tilted as ddot shrugged.

"nah let's save those for tomorrow, see who get high first." ddot said laughing as yannia clapped.

"that's a good idea, how much you wanna bet it'll be you?" yannia said going over to ddot as she sat down next to him

she came closer before planting a few kisses onto his cheek. yannia then backed up before putting on leg over ddot and passed him her blunt.

"nah it's definitely finna' be you." ddot said taking the blunt before leaving back and smoking it.

yannia just shook her head with a smirk before getting on her phone. a couple minutes the two of them were completely out of it. 

ddot and yanni slept on top of eachother as they were intoxicated with the shroom and the mixture of a blunt.

dd unlocked the door to the two apartment as him and notti went in. and when they did they saw yannia and ddot laid down on eachother and they weren't moving.

notti and dd's heart dropped before they quickly ran over to the two with their hearts beating out of their chest.

notti grabbed yannia as he felt on her neck for a pulse as dd did the same to ddot. "i got a pulse, she cool." notti said taking a deep breath as dd nodded.

"yeah he got one too, this shit not even funny bro." dd said with hurt in his voice as he backed up.

notti and dd shouldn't have to fear for their bestfriends lives everyday. it was a serious issue.

"cmon let's go, we can check back tomorrow. cuz from the looks of it they finna be out til tomorrow." dd said to notti as he nodded slowly.

the two then left the house before locking the door. this was starting to effect the other around them.

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