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DDOT sat onto the bed of the mental hospital in a straight jacket the doctors put him in soon as he arrived. he wouldn't eat, he wouldn't speak, and he wouldn't get up.

he already tried to commit previously, so they had to put him in a empty room where there was no sign of life.

he was barely hanging on. he didn't wanna live in a world where they was no yannia. she was his everything and now she was gone like she didn't matter.

tears kept on falling down ddot's face. he didn't know what to do without her. she was his everything and he didn't wanna live anymore.

and to make matters worse, he blamed himself. it should've been him not yannia.

the workers of the hostpital watched ddot with a sad face. he hadn't talk to anybody since he got there, he would mumble words sometimes, and they would assume he was talking to yannia.

"poor thing." a worker said watching ddot through the glass as the worker besides her nodded slowly.

"his story is so sad, i just hope he gets better." another worker said with a sad face as the other worker nodded.

ddot was depressed. he didn't have anything left to live for. he couldn't even see the two boys that helped him through everything.

what was the meaning of life now? and unfortunately for him, he wouldn't leave for the next year.

ddot did mumble a couple times, he started slowly hallucinating from the pills they gave him.

"ddot." a voice called out as ddot looked up slowly. and there he saw yannia with the outside of her mouth white, and her eyes were pitch black.

"you did this.." yannia called out as ddot shook his head quickly. "stop..leave me alone." ddot said as he started getting louder.

yannia was getting closer and closer, and she was wearing the same outfit she had on since the day she passed.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" ddot yelled out as he tried moving, but he fell due to the heavy straight jacket he was wearing.

the workers quickly came inside the room hearing ddot's loud scream before they rushed over towards him.

"calm down! inject him!" a worker shouted as ddot moved around while sobbing uncontrollably.

"stop! let me go!" ddot yelled loudly as his eyes were closed shut, and he tried to get out of their grip. "IM SORRY YANNIA!" ddot yelled out before he was injected with a needle.

ddot fell to the floor as his body went limp. a few seconds later the doctors laid him down onto the bed where he slept for the rest of the night.

a worker sighed from relief as they examined ddot before shaking their head. "he's getting worse, we gotta keep an eye on him." they said as another worker nodded.

they then left the room leaving the sleeping ddot.

# 𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄-𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐃𝐃𝐎𝐓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن