CHAPTER-16 Unraveling the Mystery: The Ankur Sharma Incident

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I wake up from a restless sleep, the events of the previous day weighing heavily on my mind. The bhoj went smoothly, but the accident involving Ankur still haunts me.

 I can't shake off the feeling of unease, fearing that there might be more to the incident than meets the eye. With a silent prayer to Mahadev for protection, I change my clothes and head to the retired doctor's house.

Upon arriving at the doctor's house, Raghu opens the door, his tired eyes reflecting the strain of the previous night.

 I greet Raghu and insist that he go home and get some rest. He hesitates but eventually agrees, promising to return after changing his clothes. With Raghu gone, I enter the doctor's house and exchange greetings with him. 

I inquire about Ankur's condition, and the doctor informs me that he's still unconscious, with injuries suggesting he may have collided with a tree or wall while fleeing. I nod, understanding the severity of Ankur's situation, and decide to wait for him to regain consciousness.

An hour passes, and Raghu returns. Together, we decide to visit the accident spot and report the incident to the local inspector. 

We make our way to the police station, where we narrate the entire incident to the inspector and present Ankur Sharma's identity card as evidence. The inspector assures us that he will investigate Ankur's background discreetly.

With the inspector in tow, we head to the accident spot, where he begins examining the area for clues. I recount the events leading up to the accident, emphasizing Ankur's sudden appearance in front of our car. 

The inspector listens intently, his brow furrowed in concentration. It strikes me as odd that a reporter would find himself in our village, and the inspector shares my skepticism, questioning the circumstances surrounding Ankur's presence.

Despite our efforts, the inspector finds no concrete evidence at the accident spot. Disheartened but undeterred, Raghu and I decide to return home. As we drive, I confide in Raghu, sharing my suspicions about the recent string of events.

 The discovery of expired medicines and drugs in our village, followed by Ankur's sudden appearance, seems too coincidental to ignore. There's a mystery lurking beneath the surface, and we're determined to uncover the truth.

Raghu nods in agreement, his expression mirroring my own determination. Together, we vow to delve deeper into the mystery, scouring every corner of the village for answers.

As we return home, I can't help but feel a sense of urgency. Time is of the essence, and we must act swiftly to uncover the truth before it's too late. With Raghu by my side, I know that together, we'll overcome whatever challenges lie ahead, bringing justice and peace to our village once more.


With just fifteen days left until Arjun and Mira's wedding, the village is bustling with excitement and anticipation. But amidst the joyous preparations, there's a cloud of worry hanging over me – Arjun still hasn't returned from Delhi. 

He keeps delaying his return, citing work commitments. Though I agree to his promise of returning a week before the wedding, his absence leaves me unsettled.

Despite my concerns, I throw myself into the wedding preparations with Raghu and the villagers by my side. Every detail must be perfect for Arjun and Mira's special day. I oversee the workers as they renovate the haveli, wanting everything to be just right for Mira's arrival as the grah lakshmi of our home.

But then, out of the blue, Raghu rushes to me with urgent news. Without hesitation, we jump into my car and race towards the retired doctor's house.

We rush to the doctor's house, anxious to learn of Ankur Sharma's condition. Upon arrival, we find him conscious, though clearly in pain from his injuries. I approach him, extending my apologies for the accident involving my car. But Ankur quickly assures us that it wasn't our fault; he had inadvertently stepped into the path of the vehicle.

Relieved by his forgiveness, I proceed to ask Ankur about his presence in our village. His demeanor shifts, indicating a reluctance to disclose the reason for his visit.

 Sensing his apprehension, I offer reassurance, promising to protect him from any harm. Introducing myself as Vikram Pratap Singh, the head of our village, I vow to ensure his safety.

With a measure of trust established, Ankur begins to reveal the true purpose behind his stay. He divulges that he's a journalist from Delhi, investigating a drug racket plaguing the city.

 According to his sources, the operation extends beyond Delhi, with our village serving as a key transit point for the transportation of expired medicines and drugs from Pakistan.

The revelation shocks me to the core. How could such illicit activities be unfolding right under my nose, within the confines of our tranquil village? 

Ankur explains that he stumbled upon abandoned place used to store these illegal substances. Furthermore, he suspects that some individuals from our village are involved in this nefarious enterprise.

Ankur recounts the events leading up to his accident, describing how he was caught snooping around the warehouse by the perpetrators. In a bid to escape, he fled the scene, only to find himself in the path of my car. His injuries, while severe, were a testament to the dangers he faced in his pursuit of the truth.

Listening to Ankur's harrowing tale, I feel a mix of shock and disbelief. How could I have been unaware of such heinous activities taking place in our midst? Determined to validate Ankur's claims, I assure him of my unwavering support. Together, we agree to visit the warehouse to gather evidence and expose the perpetrators.

However, our plans are thwarted by the doctor's intervention. Concerned about Ankur's fragile state, he advises against moving him. Disappointed yet undeterred, I seek details about the warehouse's location from Ankur. He describes the area, allowing me to formulate a plan for further investigation.

Leaving the doctor's house, I contemplate the gravity of the situation. The tranquility of our village has been shattered by the revelation of criminal activity thriving in our midst. As the head of the village, it's my responsibility to root out this evil and restore peace to our community.

With Raghu by my side, we embark on a mission to uncover the truth. However, our efforts are met with frustration as we scour the jungle in search of the warehouse. Despite our determination, the elusive nature of the criminals leaves us empty-handed.

As the sun sets on our failed attempt, I feel a sense of urgency weighing heavily upon me. The impending wedding of Arjun and Mira looms on the horizon, and I cannot allow their joyous occasion to be overshadowed by the darkness of criminality. 

With renewed determination, I resolve to redouble my efforts and bring an end to the drug racket threatening our village.

With Mahadev's blessings guiding our path, we embark on a journey fraught with uncertainty, determined to unravel the secrets that threaten to disrupt the peace of our village.





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