CHAPTER-7 Unveiling Shadows: Love, Farewells, and a Mysterious Discovery

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As Mira sat amidst her belongings, compiling the report on the impactful medical camp, a wave of nostalgia swept over her. It was her final day, and she found herself reminiscing about the countless experiences and lessons learned during her stay there. As she closed her laptop and prepared for sleep, thoughts swirled in her mind about the impending farewell ceremony. 

While she was eager to return home, she couldn't shake off the bittersweet feeling of leaving the village behind.

Meanwhile, Vikram found himself lost in thoughts about Mira. The realization of his feelings for her hit him, along with a flood of memories of their friendship and the little moments they shared. 

With the upcoming farewell ceremony, Vikram decided it was time to confess his emotions to Mira.

The following day, amidst the bustle of packing luggage and donning traditional attire, the medical camp team readied themselves to depart.

The villagers had arranged a heartfelt farewell ceremony, a testament to the gratitude for the camp's aid in the community. Small tokens of appreciation were presented to each medical professional. 

Vikram, admires Mira's traditional look but by gathering courage, he requested Mira to meet him later, intending to reveal  something important to Mira.

Vikram, admires Mira's traditional look but by gathering courage, he requested Mira to meet him later, intending to reveal  something important to Mira

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

As the ceremony commenced with joyous folk songs and lively dances, Mira waited expectantly for Vikram. 

However, as time passed, his anticipated arrival never materialized. With a heavy heart and a longing gaze, she bid farewell to Arjun, departing for the city along with the medical team.

During the journey, amidst the shuffle of thoughts, Mira's mind wandered back to Vikram. Concern and hope intertwined within her, wishing fervently for his well-being and regretting the missed opportunity to connect with mira before her leaving the village with her medical camp team.

Arjun waited for his brother Vikram. It got really late, even midnight, but Vikram hadn't come home yet. 

Worried, Arjun left the living room and went to his room. Arjun slept off while waiting for his brother.

Finally, Vikram arrived at 3:00 am. He quickly checked on Arjun and then went to his own room.

As Vikram changed his clothes, he remembered the incident that afternoon.


 He was enjoying the farewell ceremony with all villagers and medical team. Vikram is eagerly waiting for the time  to tell Mira how he felt before she left with her medical team.

 But then, his  right-hand man raghu whispered something to him, and they dashed off together into the forest. 

Raghu had found a clue of truck tyres's marks, leading them to an abandoned warehouse deep in the woods

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Raghu had found a clue of truck tyres's marks, leading them to an abandoned warehouse deep in the woods.

 Vikram was surprised, he had no idea there was a warehouse there in the middle of the forest.

 Vikram was surprised, he had no idea there was a warehouse there in the middle of the forest

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

They went inside with flashlights and found loads of boxes. But what shocked them was that the boxes contained drugs and expired medicine. 

There were over 500 of them. Vikram was about to call the police when suddenly, they were attacked. Despite trying to fight, Vikram fainted due to his injury. When he woke up, it was nighttime, and he was on the road. He felt a terrible headache and saw Raghu lying nearby. After waking Raghu up, they called the police.

When the police arrived, they found Vikram and Raghu. The inspector noticed Vikram's injuries and asked if he was okay. Vikram said he was fine and led the police to the old warehouse in the forest. 

Strangely, there were no packages there, the place seemed old and empty. Vikram told the inspector about the drugs and expired medicine boxes, but they couldn't find anything. 

It was really late, around 1:30 am, so the inspector told Vikram and Raghu to go home while his team continued searching and informed him if they found any clue.

Vikram and Raghu headed back home.


Sitting on his bed, Vikram realized that because of this whole incident, he missed the chance to meet Mira and tell her how he felt. He felt so sorry and missed her terribly.

In the quiet of his room, Vikram couldn't stop thinking about Mira. He wished he had more time to tell her his feelings. He felt regretful for the lost opportunity and hoped he would get another chance to express himself to her.

Throughout the night, Vikram couldn't sleep. His mind was filled with thoughts of Mira and the missed farewell. 

He wished he could turn back time and make things right, but all he could do now was hope for another chance to speak to her.

As the night passed, Vikram realized that sometimes unexpected events can steal precious moments from us.

 He made a promise to himself to seize opportunities as they came, without letting unforeseen circumstances get in the way. With this realization, he slowly drifted off to sleep, hoping for a better tomorrow where he could make things right with Mira.


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