"Fucking brothers man," I complain
"Anyway Everybody sit' down," I say gesturing everyone to sit

I'm so just... genuinely pissed at Finneas right now

"That's so annoying," I say looking at him dead in the eyes before leaning over and pinching him repeatedly... and hardly

"Sit down," I say looking around again
"Everybody on the floor back up!" I say chuckling and shaking my head in disbelief and placing my hands on my hips as I plot my revenge
"Now I'm mad!" I say again half-jokingly

"I'm sorry," Finneas says pathetically into his mic which makes me laugh

I just thought of something

"Billie. No," He chuckles leaning away from the mic and I just shake my head as I continue laughing

I lean away from my mic to

"Yes Finneas, yes," I say devilishly

What can I say? Y/n had to get it from somewhere.

he shakes his head and mouths 'Don't'

I laugh as I point at him before clapping


I love claudia but this is too good.

I lean back into the back taking a few deep breaths to stop myself from laughing

"FINNEAS IS SINGLE!" I yell and we both crack up

"No he's not," I chuckle
"Now you gotta say it," He says stressed out but laughing
"Wha?" I joke

"April fools,"
"He's not don't worry," I say

"Anyway," I move on glancing over at Finneas

"What? You get me I'll get you,"
"No I get it," He says rolling his eyes

"Okay soooo," I drag out waiting for Trevor to say I can come and grab Y/n

"Yep Billie she's waiting side stage," Trevor says

"Okay. Imma go get ma Kid," I smile getting up from my seat
"Who is an ONLY CHILD!"

I start running down towards the computer area

"Where is she?" I ask kneeling down
"Here!" Someone calls out loudly pulling Y/n along by the hand

"MAMA!" Y/n yells letting go of the persons hand and running to the desk reaching for me

One of the tech guys picks her up and places her on the desk

"Hey baby girl," I say happily as I pick her up
"Mama falling," she whines trying to fix her pink ear protectors

Y/n is like the opposite of me. Especially me now, she's obsessed with pink and Disney princess, specifically Rapunzel.

"There. All better?" I ask placing a them back on her head
"Yep," she says giving me a thumbs up

My Famous Mom (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now