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Requested by natezza

Y/n's age: 2

Summary: Y/n comes to visit the set of 'The Man' music video and... well... + some extra 


"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy," I chant playing with my feet

"Grampa," I say tugging on the corner of his shirt
"Yes, sweetie?" He asks

"Are we almost dere?" I ask impatiently
"Almost sweetheart, we're just looking for a parking spot," He tells me still looking out his window

he turns and faces me with a smile but it is quickly replaced with an annoyed expression

"Y/n? Did you take your shoes off?" He asks raising an eyebrow at my now bare feet

"No," I say blankly
"I didn't!" I whine
"...There aren't any shoes on your feet," He says amused

Rats he caught me.

"Y/n? Don't lie," He says crossing his arms
"Yes," I say quietly looking down at my discarded footwear on the floor

"See was that so hard?" He asks leaning over to get my shoes

"...Yes," I sniff
"Y/n," He chuckles

"Yes Grampa?" I ask looking him right in the eyes
"Nothing," He laughs and starts undoing the velcro on my shoes

"We're here," The diver says
"Perfect," Grandpa admits slipping my feet into the shoes and does them up

"Hurry! I Wanna see MOMMY!" I exclaim using a monster voice
"Y/n. I know you're mother's taught you manners," Grandpa lightly scolds

"God damn Joe. Corrupting the girls," Grandpa mutters under his breath
"First Taylor, then Andrea and now Y/n," He continues quietly getting out of the car

"Grampa?" I ask as he opens my door
"Yes honey?" He says unbuckling me and placing me on the ground next to him

"Who's Joe?" I ask
"Nobody Bunny," He smiles closing the car door

"And who's Taylor? And and Who's Andrer?" I ask again

"You can't be talkin about JJ right? he my best friend. His Mom Scarlett and Colin, his Dad berry nice and good. I going to his birthday party," I say happily
"Y/n," He says sternly
"Just some of my friends okay? Not yours," He says harshly

He talks my hand and leads me in the direction of a collection of massive white boxes

I keep my head down watching my feet and every step I take.
When all of a sudden, we stop.

"Look bunny, I'm sorry for raising my voice," He apologizes

"It okay," I sniff looking up at him for a second before looking down again

"I know, to be honest I shouldn't of said that around you and I'm sorry," He apologizes and ruffles my hair
"I'll buy you an ice-cream if you promise not to tell your Mom about 'Joe'," He says quietly
"Okay!" I say perking up

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