Undercover - Jay Halstead

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It wasn't always easy having your boyfriend being in the same unit as you. But you made it work. You had your back at work and whatever was going on at home between the two of you, you left it at the front door of the station. But this time it was different. You and your boyfriend Jay Halstead had the biggest fight last night, which resulted in Jay leaving the apartment. When you got out of bed this morning, he was already gone. Slowly you got ready for the day. When you arrived at the district, you saw that his car wasn't in the parking lot. With a weird feeling in your chest, you made your way up to the bullpen.

"No Halstead with you?" Adam asked.

You put your coat over your chair. "No, have you talked to him since last night?"

Adam shakes his head. The rest of the team slowly comes in. Jay isn't here when the rest of the team is settled. Just as you were about to go talk to Voight, he comes out his office followed by a guy.

"This is Kenny Rixton, he will be joining the team from the gang unit," Voight introduces him. You look at Voight in shock. "Y/N, you'll be pared with Rixton."

"What about Jay?"

Now Voight is the one who is looking weird at you. "He went undercover."

"Can we talk in your office?"

Voight nods. The two of you walk into his office, you shutting the door behind you.

"He went undercover? Did a new case pop up or something?"

"No, I got a call that Rixton would be part of our team as long as Halstead was under."

You sat down in the chairs, slowly processing what just happened. Jay went undercover and he didn't even tell you? You knew the fight was bad, but it was nothing you couldn't solve together. "How long?"

"You know I don't know. It could be a few hours, it could be weeks. He really didn't tell you?"

You shook your head. "He left last night after an argument..." you can't even really remember what it was about. The both of you were so tired that everything annoyed you and Jay.

"I just can't believe this, Sarge..."

"Do you need a few minutes? There is a case coming our way, so I need to know if you are good to go."

"Yes, I'm good, sarge. I just..."

"I'll give you ten minutes, okay? Then I want to see you in the bullpen."

"Thanks." You left his office and went outside. A bit of sunshine and cool air would do you good. You grabbed your and called Will, Jay his brother.

"Hey, I was just about to call you," Will said as soon as he answered the phone. "Have to talked to Jay at all? He is not answering my calls."

You sighed. Now you had to explain it to all of your friends. Gosh, how could he be that selfish? "Yeah, me too. Jay left. He went undercover."

"What? When? I just saw him last night? He said he would call me in the morning."

"You saw him? Where?"

"At Molly's. He said he was irritated, to say the least. Something about an argument with you. He just rambled on."

"Yeah, that happened. After he left the apartment he didn't come back. The argument was so stupid. We were both tired and it was just one of those nights. Stupid furniture."

"What?" Will laughed.

"Okay, so we were both tired, both irritated and we talked about changing some things up at home. It leaded to Jay hating everything I showed him, me being irritated because he hated everything and from furniture we were suddenly talking about marriage and buying a house, which let to Jay saying something about not wanting a big wedding or something, I don't even know, but it became this whole thing until he stormed out and I have't talked to him since," you rambled. "It's nothing something to run away from, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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