Chapter 8: The Reunion.

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-Vas, check this out! -Jonathan.

Jonathan is showing him some part of the group in the forest through the window.

-Oh, we gotta go to them! -Vasilii.

Vasilii and Jonathan get out of the lodge and come to Jesse, Maria, and Leonardo, who are pretty close behind the lodge.

-OMG, it can't be?! -Leonardo.

-You better believe it, cuz we're still alive, bitches! -Vasilii.

The group is filled with excitement that Jonathan and Vasilii are actually still alive.

-I knew it! -Maria.

-Hi guys! -Jesse.

-Oh hi, Jesse, nice seeing you here! -Vasilii.

-Hello guys! -Jonathan.

-Oh just come here, you all! -Maria.

They all hug.

-Okay, so what are we gonna do? -Jesse.

-I'm curious about what happened at the lodge, though. -Jonathan.

-And we are curious about where the two of you were this whole time. -Leonardo.

-I will be happy to listen to your story and share ours, but we don't have time for this now! We need to go somewhere safe! -Vasilii.

-Yeah agree! -Maria.

-So is it a good idea to come back inside the lodge? -Jesse.

-After what we saw inside, I don't think we are safe there. -Jonathan.

-But we don't have a better place to go. -Leonardo.

-Maybe we can go inside and barricade everything? -Jonathan.

-Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. -Jesse.

-Okay, let's do it then! -Vasilii.

They come inside the lodge. Jonathan and Jesse start to barricade the main door, and Maria and Leonardo start barricading the windows. Only Vasilii is staying in the corner, reading something.

-Vas, why don't you help us? -Jonathan.

-I'm helping right now, don't worry about it! -Vasilii.

-What do you mean? -Leonardo.

-I am reading a diary from one of the people from one year ago, you know, from the massive homicide or something. -Vasilii.

-What, where did you find that thing? -Maria.

-At the creature's home, in the tunnels. -Vasilii.

-You were there? -Jesse.

-Not only me, Jonathan was there too. -Vasilii.

-I'm still surprised we even escaped from there. -Jonathan.

-But you have to share what you find in the diary! -Maria.

-Of course guys, but can we please go upstairs after you finish barricading? -Vasilii.

-Why? -Jesse.

-I'm not feeling safe and comfy at all with Madelyn's body over there! -Vasilii.

They finish barricading and go upstairs in one of the bedrooms.

-So? Spill the tea. -Leonardo.

-So they had been terrorized all night. They were trying to escape from here, but as we know, they didn't succeed at that. The group knew about the strange symbols that appeared on our foreheads too. But they didn't know exactly what they meant and stuff. They only knew that when they appeared on your forehead, they started burning or hurting in some way, and that meant danger. -Vasilii.

-The symbol on the paper I found and also the one that Damon found? -Maria.

-What else can it be? -Leonardo.

-Let me see what you found, exactly? -Vasilii.

Maria shows the paper to Vasilii.

-Exactly! That is gonna be a problem. -Vasilii.

-Do I have one? I remember you checking my forehead before. -Jonathan.

-I felt the burning before. -Jesse.

-That's strange. Because I felt it too, but we don't have it now. -Maria.

-Same. -Leonardo.

-But me and Jonathan still have it? -Vasilii.

-What? Lemme see. -Maria.

They check Jonathan and Vasilii's foreheads because they both have hair hiding their foreheads.

-Omg they are like cut with a knife or something. -Jesse.

-It is the symbol. -Maria.

-But it's more similar to the one that Damon found-the bloody one. -Leonardo.

-But does this mean that we are in danger? -Jonathan.

-Probably, I mean, at least that's what the dairy said. -Maria.

-Vas, can I check the dairy? -Jesse.

-Sure. -Vasilii.

-Guys! At the end of it there are missing pages, like they had been torn apart. And the last page says that if we want to survive, we should check the attic. -Jesse.

-We have an attic here? -Jonathan.

-This is getting even more confusing now. -Leonardo.

-This is strange, the description didn't say anything about the place having an attic. -Maria.

-They didn't inform us about the tunnels either, so? -Vasilii.

-We need to find it and see what's in there. -Maria.

They start looking at the roof to try to find the attic. As they are doing that, they are also sharing what happened to them while they were apart.

After Angel succeeded in calling for help, she decided to go back to the lodge with the others since her car broke as well as Jacob's.

-I hope I don't meet with the creature while returning to the woods. -Angel.

After a couple of minutes of walking, everything starts to shake again.

-NOT AGAIN! -Angel.

Also, the murmuring is back.


Her forehead starts hurting. Then, in front of her, the figure appears.

-EW WTF! -Angel.

The thing starts running toward her. She tries to hide behind one of the trees. The creature finds her and pushes her to the floor.


Angel tries to fight the figure with many kicks and punches.


She frees herself from it and starts running again.

-Where should I go now?! -Angel.

She decides to go try finding the lodge to get back to the others, like she planned.

Until The Party EndsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz