Chapter 9: The Truth.

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-Fuck! Finally! -Jacob.

Ladies and gentlemen, Jacob is back, back at the lodge. He is running as fast as he can to get back to the others.


Jacob is rushing through the front door, getting across the living room.

-What the.... What happened here? -Jacob.

-Jacob? -Leonardo.

Leonardo comes downstairs.

-Leo! -Jacob.

They hug.

-What happened to you? Why are you back? Did you get help with you? -Leonardo.

-It's a long story. I need to rest first, and also what happened here? -Jacob.

-What does it look like? -Leonardo.

-The creature came for you too? -Jacob.

-Wait, if you are back.. Where are Damon and Angel? -Leonardo.

-No idea. We were attacked.. and, and then we separated because we were running. It caught me but I managed to somehow escape... -Jacob.

-Okay. You sit and rest, I will tell the others that you're back. -Leonardo.

Jacob sits at the couch and notices what happened to the table..

-OMG!??! -Jacob.

Jacob also goes upstairs because of what he just saw.

-Guys, Jacob is back! -Leonardo.

-Hi again guys! -Jacob.

-Hi Jacob! -everyone.

Jacob is explaining what happened to him, about the car, the chase, and that he doesn't have a clue what happened with Damon and Angel. Meanwhile Maria finds the secret door to the attic. It is in one of the bedrooms but it's really well covered so it was hard to find.

-Do we have a ladder here? -Jonathan.

-Probably not. -Vasilii.

-Maria, help me climb. -Jesse.

-Sure. -Maria.

Maria helps Jesse to get to the attic. It is very small and dusty there. The only things he is seeing are little bottles, lists of paper and a small mirror. He gets all the things and gets down.

-What will we need this stuff for? -Leonardo.

-Guys, check the papers! There are also the missing pages from the diary. -Jesse.

-Let me see. They are saying: "If you are reading this, we probably didn't make it." -Jonathan.

-Wait, I wanna see too. -Jacob.

The missing pages are saying that the creature has a history.

''Everything started as a legend, myth from 1498 from the Renaissance. As we know, that was the time when people were killing witches. So there was a family at this lodge, a married couple that were expecting a baby. One day the husband found some candles and symbols in her night stand. He confronted her and then burned her on a stake. That way he didn't only kill his wife, he was also killing their unborn child. It turned out that she was really a witch, it is thought that she didn't mean any harm to the world even though she was gifted. She resurrected herself and killed her husband. And since then she is haunting the lodge, where she, her husband and their child died.''

The rest of the pages are saying:

"We only know that somehow she can locate where you are through the symbols that appear on our forehead. If she draws on you or you stay too long in the tunnels, you will get the blood mark. This mark is even more dangerous than the normal one. The blood mark means that you are focused by her and being located all the time. We couldn't escape from here so we decided to try to defeat her. We learn that with a little holy water and a mirror to see herself in it, it will put a mark on her and will kill her. So we are going to try that, hope we succeed....''

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