Chapter 2: The Separation.

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As some of the group separated, the others chose who to be with. Jacob, Maria, and Lilith decide to go with Laura to explore the lodge...

After the call that Jacob has to get someone to fix his car, he hangs up and follows the others. They split through some rooms to explore.

-Does someone find something interesting? -Laura.

-Not yet. -Maria.

-Same, nothing here as well. Jacob, how did the call go? -Lilith.

-There is no signal in here. -Jacob.

-That's unfortunate. -Lilith.

-Jacob, can you come for a sec, please? -Laura.

-Sure, what's up? -Jacob.

-Do you think you can break into that room? It's locked. -Laura.

-Are you sure this is a good idea? -Jacob.

-I'm not, but still, aren't you at least a little bit curious? -Laura.

-Fine, I'll see what I can do. -Jacob.

Meanwhile, Lilith and Maria are exploring the same room.

-Do you think there is something from those people who we read about before, you know, in the article? -Maria.

-I don't know, but there is only one way to find out. -Lilith.

Maria is checking in one of the wardrobes and finds a piece of paper with a strange symbol drawn on it. And Lilith finds a newspaper under one of the beds. The newspaper is about that mass homicide that they read about online.

-Lilith, check what I find in the wardrobe. -Maria.

-You should see what I find under the bed. -Lilith.

-Okay let's sit on one of the beds and check it out. -Maria.

-Fine. So what did you find? -Lilith.

-This paper has something strange, like a drawing on it. -Maria.

-Looks looks kind of creepy, don't you think? -Lilith.

-Yeah okay, now show me what you found. -Maria.

-An old newspaper from one year ago. For that mass homicide that happened here. -Lilith.

-Wait a minute. Check that: ''They all were found brutally killed, and the only evidence the police found was strange symbols on their foreheads.'' Like we were reading in the online article before we booked that place. -Maria.

-Oh yeah, I totally forgot that part. So, do you think this strange symbol is the same as the drawing on the paper you found? -Lilith.

-Yeah, I think so. What else could it be? -Maria.

-But if it is the same one, does that mean the killer can still be here in the forest? -Lilith.

-Why do you think so? -Maria.

-Because, you know, they never caught the killer. -Lilith.

-The police said that it could be one of them, right? -Maria.

-For what purpose is someone going to murder all his friends brutally, draw some creepy ass symbols, then draw it on himself and commit suicide? I don't think that's believable. -Lilith.

-I hope you aren't right then. -Maria.

-We should search a little more, then show what we find to the others. -Lilith.

-Okay, let's do that. -Maria.

Meanwhile, outside the lodge:

Vasilii calmed down and started walking into the forest.

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