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(Chapter full of sex since I made yall wait so long😭😭)


That same night...

Bey Pov

As soon as we got out of the car we were like magnets. Her giving me that orgasm in the car had me head over heels as if I wasn't already.

Nether one of us wanted to pull away to breathe or find a way inside.

I was eager and too excited.

As we kissed Megan's back hit something and we both knew it was the door. Megan fiddled with her keys in her hand trying to unlock the door but also trying to focus on me.

"Shit Bey give me a few seconds..." she mumbled against my lips. I pulled away moving to her neck kissing on her spot immediately. She moaned struggling to get the door open still even with me pulling away from her lips.

Once she got the door open we scurried inside slamming the door not even bothering to lock it. I was back at it attacking her lips sucking, licking, doing everything my mind envisioned before.

Megan's hands wrapped around my body as she tried to pull me closer if that was even possible. She pushed me against the wall kissing me harder pulling at my jersey.

I hiked my right thigh up to her hip as we kissed. I've been anticipating this the whole date and I'm finally able to act on it.

Megan pulled away sucking my bottom lip in the process. She grabbed my arms and forced me around putting the front of my body against the wall.

I bit my lip turning my head to side so I can see what she was about to do. She licked over her lips raking her eyes up and down my body "Your body never fails to amaze me..." she whispered moving her hand up my back. She grabbed the bottom of my jersey and pulled it up over my head throwing it across the room. That left me in a bra and shorts which we already unbuttoned due to Megan almost making us lose our lives in the car.

She stalked towards me and grabbed the hem of my shorts pulling them down, leaving me in a red lacy panties. I didn't have a bra on under the jersey so I was just in panties.

She grabbed my waist and pushed her pelvis against me making me whimper slightly. "You're so sexy you know that?" She whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine. I gave her an innocent look knowing that get's her riled up. She chuckled and started placing soft kisses on my shoulder blade, slowly traveling down my back.

"I hope you know this is gon' be a longgggggg night" She dragged out while continuing to place kisses on my back. I let out a shaky breath, feeling the breath from her words blow onto my back.

I just know we're gonna fuck all night and I'll definitely be ready for it. I have so much pent up sexual energy that I might just make Megan tap out first.

She forced me around instantly looking down at my breast. My nipples were hard due to the coldness but my arousal made me feel hot inside.

She licked her lips, leaning down and taking one of my nipples into her mouth. "Fuck..." I rasped out, sucking in a deep breath. Both of her hands traveled down to my thighs making me uncomfortable horny.

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