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Megan Pov

I cuddled 4oe while I watched anime. This is really my only time when I'm not drunk out my mind. This is the time when Beyoncé is constantly on my mind. Although we made an agreement to separate I can just imagine the hurt I would've felt if I kept fighting for our relationship and then walked in on her and Shawn kissing.

I wouldn't be lying in this bed right now believe me.

It's crazy because she crossed her heart that there was nothing going on between them but how could you move on so quick?

It wasn't even 24 hours and she was sticking her tongue down that niggas throat.

It still hurts me.

She's the reason I am this way today. Cold hearted.

I don't give a fuck about shit except my dogs.

Fuck love, fuck everybody, fuck Beyoncé.

Not only that. She had a kid by that nigga and then he cheated on her. Should've just stayed her ass with me and that wouldn't have happened.

Just embarrassing.

And then she's still with him but when I made a mistake due to my vulnerability I have to go through war to try and get her ass back.

That shits crazy.

I continued to watch anime till 4oe started barking. He usually does that when someone's at the door so I got up and made my way downstairs.

I opened it and seen Kellon.

"Frennnn!" I yelled hugging him. Kellon does my hair and he's always gon slay a bitch hair.

"Meggggg! How you been?" He asked.

"I'm makin' it" I said back. He rubbed his hand through my head.

"Mhm you need ya hair did" I scoffed and pushed his hand playfully.

"Ain't that what you hea fo?" I said putting my hand on my hip.

"I sure am so go sit down so I can take care of this mane on your head" he said and I popped his arm and walked over sitting in the chair.

"Megan you know as your personal hairstylist you can tell me anything." He said and I just nodded.

"Megan be serious. This cold hearted act you got goin' on is getting sad" this is why I appreciate Kellon because he's honest with me but I've never opened up to anyone about this before.

"I am being serious Kellon." I said back starting to get a little annoyed.

"Megan I know that you dated Beyonce back in high school". Just hearing her name made me tense up.

"Ion wanna talk about that Kellon..." I'm confused on how he even found out about that.

"That's why you all cold? Cuz she's with that big lipped nigga now?" I smiled and busted out laughing.

"You call him that too?" I asked.

"Hell yea that nigga is ugly as hell. She should've stayed with you."

"Exactly!" I promise you that was the biggest mistake she ever made. He's not even loyal to her. I promised to cut off all my hoes for her and I followed through.

That footage of Solange beating his ass in the elevator will always be my daily laugh because Solange slapped the shit out that nigga and Beyonce just stood in the corner.

"So you gon tell me what happened?" He said and I huffed.

"Ight I'll tell you but don't go runnin' ya mouth" I said pointing my finger at him.

"Cross my heart" I blank stared him. The last time Beyoncé crossed her heart she still did some stupid shit.

"I promise Megan damn!" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Mhm ok..."

He started doing my hair and that's when I started speaking.

"Back in 2006 Beyoncé was a new student at school and one of my friends also known as Nicki Minaj now-"

"You went to school with Nicki Minaj!?" I sighed nodding my head.

"Yes Kellon I did you gon let me finish?"

"Mhm go ahead.."

"She introduced me to Beyoncé and we took a liking to each other quickly. I thought she was the love of my life but...once she got into music things changed. We took a break for five months and that's when my grandma passed away. I didn't have anyone so I did what I know best which is drink and have sex. Beyoncé found out about it and she put me through hell to try and get her back but it never happened because of her music schedule. I started to get suspicious that she was developing feelings for Shawn or Jay what the fuck that nigga name is. Before her first BET performance we made an agreement to separate. After her performance is what hurt me most. I finally built the courage to go congratulate her and as soon as I open her dressing room door she's back there swapping spit with that nigga. I immediately left and went back to Houston. When she got back for LA she came to my apartment and gave this sorry ass apology but my emotions were already locked away by that time so I didn't give a fuck. She tried to have sex with me again because she knows that's how I cope but I didn't want to. I was hurt enough and that would just make it worse. She left and I never spoke to her again despite the massive amount of text messages she was sending me. I changed my number and now we're here..." I finished wiping my tears quickly.

I can't continue to cry over her..

"Damn...Megan I hate to say this but that is so much to go through and you need to go to therapy baby. Drinking, and having sex is not gonna make you happy in the long run." I frowned hearing the word I hated most.


"I can't do therapy.... I tried for Beyoncé-"

"And that's the problem. Don't do it for her do it for you. You're letting her control your life emotionally. Show her you're gonna living your life to the fullest with or without her." I sat deep in thought. Kellon is always right it sometimes gets on my nerves.

I'll try but I don't know if I can relive that hurt...


Lowkey shedded a couple tears🥺. I feel so bad for Megannn my sweet baby. Let me know what yall think of this chapter.

What do yall think Megan should do?

Let me know in the comments!



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Love yall❤️


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