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Eli: I feel like eating  ice-cream

Eliza and Felix were now on their way back to the dorms after their road trip. They had visited some more places on their way back with Felix taking a different route back home .

Music was once again playing very loudly , but not over the legal limit though.

Fel: what ?

Eliza hadn't realised that she said the words out loud until she heard Felix speak up and was now slightly embarassed at that.

Eli: oh wait I said that out loud.

Fel: ya but it wasn't clear so what was it that you said ?

Eli: it's nothing. Don't worry about it.

Fel: no it's fine tell me . From what I heard you wanted something.

Eli: it's really fine I was just mumbling to myself.

Fel: then tell me what you were mumbling about?

Eliza knew how determined Felix could get in situations like these so she just decided to give up.

Eli: Icecream.

Fel: you want ice cream?

Eli: ya I don't know where the thought came from. I just started craving icecreams all of a sudden.

Fel: then keep an eye out for icecream shops cause the next one we come across I'm getting you ice cream

Eli: there is no use of telling you there is no need for doing  it right ?

Fel: yup. So be on the look out for icecream shops.

Eli: ok.


It took around 20 minutes more before they came across a icecream shop. But once they did Felix quickly but carefully parked the car and got out to go get icecreams for them. Eliza had asked for chocolate and Felix decided to go with the classic Vanilla.

He brought the icecreams back to car but Eliza was already outside waiting for him not wanting to dirty the car .

Eli: hey I noticed a lake over there and is a short way down to the lake side how about we head there.

Fel: sounds fun. One more location on this road trip.

Felix quickly made sure the car was locked and took Eliza's free hand in his as they began walking to the direction of the lake

Walking down they saw that there were two stones close by that were big enough to support them if they were to sit and the way it was arranged didn't look natural leading them to conclude this was a hangout spots for friends or couples.

They say there eating their icecreams with occasional chatter in between. Once the icecream was finished they took some photos with the lake in the background and  with some other backgrounds too. They spend a little more time than intended at the lake side until Felix noticed the time and reminded Eliza that they needed to leave now if they wanted to reach back at the dorms atleast before at 10 PM . So the two quickly got back into the car and drove off . Not stopping for dinner like they had earlier planned to do.

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