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After their site seeing and photoshoot was over at the park they got back inside Felix's car slightly shivering due to how cold it was .

Fel: so what are you in the mood for eating?

Eli: I don't know. You can decide .

Fel: how about .... Indian cuisine you haven't had anything of Indian cuisine since you came here. You must be missing it right ?

Eli: ya some dishes I miss alot but others not so much . But ya I'm fine with Indian. As long as you are too.

Fel: ofcourse.. I know a good place it's actually run by a South Indian family. Like generation after generation.

Eli: oh South Indian ? That's even better some of my favourite breakfast dishes are mainly south Indian especially Kerala cuisine.

Fel: ahh well I'm glad we are going there then.

The next few minutes where silent inside the car except for the music playing in the car speaker. Eliza was still not really comfortable with fan girl in front Felix with Minho and Hyunjin she was fine since she was caught fangirling to Skz many time by them and nowadays they even join her to lessen her awkwardness but felix he was a different cases she never really fan girl in front of him scared of weirding him out. But when suddenly FAM Korean version played she lost all control and began singing along almost completely forget that Felix was there and Felix took notice of this and stayed silent cause he had realised she tends to avoid fangirling in front of him . The next few ones where Skz tracks and she had basically let herself go just enjoying the tracks and Felix found it cute how when ever her favourite parts came on which were mostly the parts where he was singing with his deep voice she would go completely silent and makes a motion with her hands as if asking everyone around to be quite even though they were the only two people inside .

Fel: you're so cute you know that..

Eli: Shit!!! Why were you silent throughout. I almost forgot you were here. You should have said something so that I wouldn't have end up fangirling to all those songs. And embarrassed myself

Fel: that's exactly why i kept quite. I wanted to see you fangirl and let yourself go. Just because you're my soulmate doesn't me you can't fan girl. You were and still are a k-pop fan before finding me . You don't have to hide that side of yours. I find it adorable. I was kind of jealous how you fangirl and let yourself go with the girls and Hyunjin and Minho hyung . But where always so silent and composed near me even though some of your favourite tracks were playing at times.

Eli: oh lix. Sweet lix you shouldn't have said that. Cause now you can tell me I'm annoying when I fan girl . You brought this upon yourself.

Fel: I'll happily accept that. Anyway come we reached the restaurant.

Felix and Eliza quickly wore their masks before exiting the car and entering into the restaurant ready for breakfast.

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