Chapter 17

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I'd spent the day out of the flat, not doing much aside from hanging around the corner shop again, any excuse to stay away from my Dad and Holly. 

The sun seared across my neck on my walk back home and I put my hand up to wipe the sweat from it when I noticed a familiar tall figure sitting on the steps outside my building. I paused for a moment, unsure of how to approach this. 

Theo was sitting there, hugging her knees to her chest, chin resting on her knee but eyes downcast. I swallowed painfully, shaking off my hesitation and walked over. Getting closer, I saw her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet. She didn't look up when I walked over but she knew I was there. I took a seat on the stone step to her right and thought I should just see what she wanted to say. 

She sniffed into her knee for a moment before she pulled her head up and leaned it on my shoulder. She kept sniffing through her blocked nose and suddenly she was quietly sobbing on my shoulder, shaking like a kitten in from the cold. 

"Hey, come here," I said quietly, my heart breaking over this. I put my hand on her back and she fell into my arms, squeezing tightly. I just held my friend who seemed to break apart right in front of me. "What happened, Theo?"

I dug out some tissue from an old pack in my pocket and handed it to her. "I don't want to talk about it," she said, breath hitching. She blew her nose into the wad of Kleenex. "I can't even think of how to explain." Her nails were bitten right down and her thumbs were subject to the terror of nervous biting. I took in her full backpack that sat next to her. "I can't go home, can I-"

"Of course, you can stay with me," I said, feeling utterly useless. I squirmed and got out my phone, shooting a quick text to Larney, I needed some backup.

Can't explain rn but I'm outside w Theo, she's upset. Can u come?

She came back immediately. Coming

I pocketed my phone and patted Theo's back. I heard the pounding of quick footsteps echoing down the stairs and soon my twin was coming out in a rush, her blonde hair swinging wildly as she ran up to us. 

Theo saw her and just burst into a fresh set of tears. 

Larney parked herself down and pulled Theo into her arms, squeezing tightly. Larney and Theo used to be thick as thieves when we were younger. Every day when we headed to school, we four would walk over, Larney and Theo holding hands and swinging arms. They had countless sleepovers and the like. Then it had just... tapered off when we'd started at our secondary school. Theo started hanging out with me and Rani more, Larney taking on a league of her own. 

Sometimes that was the way things went. But that couldn't destroy the bonds between them, and they showed even though they were unspoken between the two. 

Theo blew her nose again, sounding like a fog horn. "I'm so stupid."

"You're not!" Larney protested vehemently. I looked on, wishing I had something good to say. Larney stroked Theo's hair and let her dampen her shoulder. "Tell us what's happened, Theo."

She wiped her eyes with her sodden sleeve, her face tender and pink. "It's my Dad," she finally admitted, but even that seemed to just encourage a fresh round of tears. 

"Well, he's the stupid one," I said, lightly bumping her with my shoulder. I glanced down the road, Wylie would need to be picked up from school soon. "It'll be okay," I said again. "Don't have to talk about it. Just, whatever you need, we're here."

She looked exhausted. "I'm sorry to just show up, especially after how I treated you the other day-"

I waved a hand. "That's forgotten."

"I didn't even know what I would have said if I'd texted." 

Larney took her hand, pulling her up. "I think we should go inside." I gave her a look and she shook her head. "Dad's sleeping, we're fine."

I stood as well and we three made our way upstairs, Larney murmuring things to Theo too quiet for me to hear. We got to the flat and went inside, I could hear Dad snoring from upstairs and let out a slow breath. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked her since I felt useless just standing around looking at my sad friend. "I have bread rolls, I can make you a tuna bake?" I knew they were her favourites. 

"That would be great," Theo admitted, the tears finally tapering off. 

I just felt relieved to have something to do. They followed me to the kitchen and sat at the table, Larney trying to hide the concern on her face. We'd never seen Theo like this before. She was usually upbeat or lowbeat but never sad and teary. 

Larney got up and poured the rest of the cheap pink lemonade we had into three cups, sliding one over to Theo. "The sugar will help." I took mine and downed half the glass, getting to work opening the can of tuna. 

Charlie came around the corner, rubbing his eyes looking half asleep, but straightened when he saw Theo. I'd always suspected he had a small crush on her. "Hey, Theo! What's..." He got closer and saw her face and his smile disappeared. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He stood in some worn cotton shorts and a West Ham shirt. I couldn't believe he was going to be a Dad.

She nodded, waving him off. "I'm okay. Just--" She shook her head, putting her hand over her face, her shoulders shaking. 

Charlie's eyes widened. "I'll let you guys talk. Let me know if..." his voice trailed off and he headed into the living room. 

"Is it okay if I sleep on your sofa for a couple of nights?" Theo asked.

"Shut up, you can top and tail with me," Larney said, shaking her head. "You won't sleep well on here since the springs are broken." They were broken indeed, making the leather sag down into itself. 

A head popped around the doorframe, swinging with long black hair, it was Rani. They took in Theo and came over, hugging her from an awkward leant over her on her chair. She hugged them for a moment before pushing them away lightly, wrinkling her nose. "You smell like cigarettes and sex."

They gave a wolfish smile, pulling up the sunglasses they wore. "No better smell in the world, dear Theodora." 

I hid a smile and heated the panini bread on the grill. I finished it up and served it to Theo. We all settled down for the night, Rani insisting on topping and tailing with me as well so we had a four-person sleepover in our bedroom. They reminded me to relay what had happened with Theo when I had a free moment. 

Rani kept us up into the night recalling their fantastic exploits, most of which I was sure they'd made up, but it seemed to distract Theo enough to make her crack a smile every moment or so. 

I found myself falling asleep. The last thing I remembered was the words, "And then he bit me like a god damned vampire!" Then I was out. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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