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I managed to do 5 push ups and took another break. My body hurts. Why is Jungkook so random? A kiss? Seriously? Should I just give up at this point?

"Come on baby boy, you got 10 more to go." He teases.

I take a 2 min break then do another 2.

"You're taking so many breaks unfair."He says.

"It's hard." I nagged with a pout.

"Here let me show you." He says as he starts doing push ups.




"20" I counted.

"How?"I said.

"Practice makes perfect." He said and paused for a while then continued.

"My dad would beat me if I didn't do 20 everyday when I was 12. As I got older the numbers increased." He continued.

I was shocked. I didn't know his dad beat him. Why would he force his child to do so many push ups? I knew I got a bad vibe from his parents but not like this.

"I could do more but why give you a longer break." He chuckled trying to lighten the atmosphere making me laugh and I smiled back.

I did 1 more push up and decided I can't do this anymore.

I sat down opposite Jungkook and without thinking too much I gave him a 4 second kiss on his lips. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, I didn't know why I felt like this. It was just a kiss, right?

I moved back and saw his shocked expression. I guess he didn't expect me to make the move. I mean I didn't either but my body aches too much to go on any longer.

We just looked at each other for a while and then he broke the silence after clearing his throat.

"Well, I guess no more push ups." He said and I smiled feeling relieved.

"You can still box though." He said as he got up.

"WHAT! NOO! UNFAIR!" I cried out and he laughed at me.

"This isn't too hard" He said and he grabbed my hands and pulled me off the floor.

He put the gloves on my hand and showed me how to box it properly.

I boxed for what felt like ages while Jungkook just sat and watched, occasionally telling me to try other things.

After a while I got tired and lay on my back on the floor breathing heavily.

I heard Jungkook's laugh "You lasted longer than I'd thought. Go rest." He said.

"I don't think I can move." I groaned breathing heavily making Jungkook laugh at me.

Before I knew it Jungkook lifted me upin his arms bridal style. "What are y-" I decided to stay quiet because If I have to walk up these stairs I will pass out.

I didn't know what is going through his mind. But he is driving me mad with his words and actions.

He brought me to our room and took me into the bathroom, gently placing me down on the counter. With his hands either side of me.

"Can you manage here or do you need my help?" He said with a wide smirk on his face. The closeness between us made my heart beat faster.

I gently hit his arm making him laugh. He leaves the bathroom as I freshen up.

I put an oversized shirt on and just wore underwear since the shirt was long.

I left the bathroom and saw Jungkook on the couch with files and 2 plates of food in front of him. "Come eat" he says as I sit down beside him on the couch.

"You should rest after eating, you overworked yourself and we have a flight to get tomorrow." He says making me gasp.

I completely forgot about or trip tomorrow.

"I haven't packed!" I say.

"No need we have everything there." He says calmly making me calm.

"Ok."I replied.

I saw Jungkook was busy with his files and hasn't eaten.

"Jungkook, eat your food. Leave your work for later" I said.

"You worried?" He asked making me lost for words.

"I.. Just eat Jungkook."

"Feed me then." He says looking at his files.

"Jungkook..." I called him to try to convince him but he ignored. "You are so stubborn" I say as I grab his plate and bring the fork up to his mouth.

He looked at me as if he didn't expect that I will agree but still let me feed him.

His words and actions are confusingme so much. First he asked me to kiss him and now... I can't understand him. Should I just ask him what our relationship is?

He finished his food and I called the maid to take the plates and she did. Jungkook was still working so I jumped into bed since my body has no energy.


♪♪ ⠀𝔾𝕠 𝕁𝕚𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜 !!! ⠀♪♪
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