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i must confess, i have feeling that run so deep.
he keeps me awake at night.
he makes me laugh, he makes me blush, he makes me feel free to express.

my feeling and thoughts have never been heard.
at least not before he came along.

he keeps me stuck in this puzzle of whether he likes me, he likes me not.

his family talks about him all the time to me, his friends o the same.
they ask me what my type is, they ask if i visit him or not.
they keep me stuck in this game as well.

i do believe in fate, everything that is mine will come to me in time.
i do believe that he will be mine. as i will be his, for i know he likes me .
not as much as i like him.

my world stops spinning when i don't think of him, I'm not so sure his world does the same.
i fell for him first, i shall hope he falls harder.

maybe i can finally have my book love story come to life.
i will have my happily ever after. and it will be with him.

my one and only.

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