love story

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i don't know if you could count this as a love story
i love him
i'm not sure he feels the same
yet i suspect he feels the same

but if he did return my affections
then i am doomed
either i lose my past
and build a new future with him
or i keep walking down the same path
with no sight of him in mind

i feel like a future without him in it
wouldn't be a future worth living for
it wouldn't be a future worth having

but i'm so conflicted
if i choose him then i'll lose everything
i lose my family
i lose my friends
i lose the life i've built

but if i do not choose him then i'll lose everything as well
i'll lose the happy future that awaits me
i'll lose the good memories we'll make together
i'll lose the life we'll build together

i admit
i've been searching for a way out
for a way out of this life that i feel stuck in
once upon a time he helped me
he helped me move along
he helped me get unstuck
he helped me move forward
he helped me pick which path i wanted to take
i was lost and helpless before he came along
i was walking in a direction not made for me
all to make my parents proud
he helped me see the light
he helped me change my path before it was too late
before darkness and misery consumed me

he's my knight in shining armor
i used to dream of him
before i even met him
i know i sound insane
but i knew him
i knew him long before he knew me
i've walked with him before
i've danced with him before
he gave me butterflies
made me feel all warm inside
i've laughed with him
i've cried with him
i've cried for him
i've lived a thousand lives with him
all once upon a dream

i'm sure our souls met before
for how could i know someone so well
my souls wants to be closer to his
if i could do nothing but follow him around all day
like a chick following its mother
then i would
i would do it till my last breath
i would do it for eternity
i would do it till death do us apart

the first time i've met him
the first time i saw him
i fell in love
i don't believe in love at first sight
but in that moment i felt like i could believe it
why wouldn't i believe in something that i was experiencing first hand
if you'd have told me that cupid has struck me with one of his arrows
i would've believed you

his eyes kept pulling me in
his voice carrying me high above the clouds
everything in him was screaming for me
and my soul was screaming for his

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