Gasping in surprise and distress from his sudden change in mood, I grabbed at his broad shoulders to steady myself. His jaw was clenched tight, his beautiful blue eyes were pure black and the veins on his neck now stood out. Yep definitely Dante only he could switch between hot and cold so fast it would give you whip lash.

"I-I... I can't tell you." I whispered nervously, refusing to meet his gaze. He growled digging in his fingers to the point of pain on my waist as he pressed himself tighter against me.

"Why. Not?" he snarled chillingly; his face was just centimeters from mine. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek and his nose brushing against mine.

"Please... Please it's better... that you don't know." I pleaded knowing that he wouldn't let it go that easily, but made the attempt anyway.

I had to keep both of them from finding out where I lived or they would find Uncle Mick and worse about Zack, especially after how Becca reacted to me having a boyfriend, if that was any kind indication of their possible reaction, it wouldn't be a good thing if they found out.

"Why would it be better?" he probed, pressing for answers.

I didn't know how to divert his attention from this, my heart was beating a mile a minute in my rib cage, I was struggling to breath and the ache in my chest was making me feel extremely guilty and I couldn't make it stop. I had an overpowering urge to tell him the truth, to tell him everything and fighting against that urge was sending me into a panic attack.

"I... I... can... can't. Please." begging him to let it go as I hyperventilate with fear. Despite the fact that I still loved them both so much it hurt, I couldn't put Uncle Mick in danger or drag Zack into this.

"Shhh, I got you... I got you." he purred, seeing that I was in full panic mode, Dante wrapped his huge arms around me, crushing me to his chest, running his nose along my jaw line and cheek. I was struggling to control my rapid breath. "Slow breaths, baby... Shhh, just breath slowly." He directed, nodding I listened to his instructions and took slow, steady breaths, while my whole body relaxed into him.

"You sure haven't changed much." Shaking my head as I smiled against his shoulder, letting my head rest there, I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped me.

"Why do you say that?" he asked with confusion. He leaned back to loosening his hold on me as he stared into my eyes.

"Only you can get me so worked up I freak out... then switch it around on me and calm me right down in the same moment." I replied simply as if it should be obvious to him. "Why is that? Why does that only seem to happen with you and Dimitri?" whispering out the question, not really expecting an answer as I brought my hands to his neck, rubbing my thumbs along his defined, square jawline.

"Maybe because your meant for us... and only us." he retorted fully believing every word.

Gaping at him, I couldn't help but think that he was right. Maybe I was meant for them once, but that was a long time ago. I shook my head at him, not sure how to respond to that, so I chose to go with diversion.

"Can you put me down, please." practically begging as I pulled my hands from him, need to distance myself. I was already getting so wrapped up in my emotions for them and I've only been home for a few hours.

"Fine." he sneered, watching me retract my hands with a sorrowed expression. Slowly he lowered me back to my own two feet and hesitantly stepped away from me.

"Thank you... I... I should get back... To Becca." I stammered refusing to meet his hard, intense gaze I could feel staring into me. Gulping I adjusted my clothes that he had all disheveled, before turning toward the door, ready for a hasty retreat.

"Wait." his voice commanded as he gripped my forearm and spun me back around to face him.

Pulling me back to his chest, he released my arm to reach up and grip my neck with his hands, his right hand come up slowly so he could rub his thumb across my bottom lip as the left cupped the back of my head, holding me in place. Closing my eyes, I both feared and savored his touch, my lips were tingling from the contact. Gasping I suddenly felt his left hand grip the back of my neck, lifting my face to meet his tense gaze before he yanked me forward.

Before I had a chance to register what was happening or feel any kind of alarm. I felt his lips crush against mine, his warm lips covering mine in a demanding, frantic and desperate kiss as he dominated my mouth.

 I felt his lips crush against mine, his warm lips covering mine in a demanding, frantic and desperate kiss as he dominated my mouth

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There was no control to stop him, no control to pull away, I willingly surrendered my mouth to him. Groaning he slid his tongue into my mouth, twirling our tongues together. I was so lost in his lips, his touch, his kiss that I didn't even realize that the door had opened and someone was stepping into the room.

"Mia?" Becca's voice called out, cutting through the haze in my brain from Dante's kiss.

Pulling back, he glared up over my shoulder and snarled as Becca pushed the door open wider, allowing light of the hallway to stream into the dark room, revealing that it was more of a storage closet of some kind.

"Coming." I practically moaned, gasping for air. I glanced up into Dante's irritated face as he scowled at Becca, before those searing blue eyes snapped back to me as they narrowed and darkened lustfully.

"You will be." he smirked tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, letting his fingers skim down my neck. "Sooner than you think." He whispered, leaning forward just enough to brush his lips across mine. My heart clenched as my whole body stilled from the tingling shiver that shot out across my body.

"We shall see." I sighed, taunting him as I let a small smile play on my lips.

Turning around I quickly grabbed Becca's hand and tugged her back out the door, before he got the chance stop me again. WOW, was I all I could think walking back down the hallway.

I don't know how long I'll be able to resist the boys separately and I couldn't even begin to image how much worse it would be if they both cornered me together. My willpower was crumbling at maintaining some kind of control over the situation, but I knew that with the both of them together it would crash and burn for sure.

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