Philippines x South Korea

312 3 6

Note: requested by fixzysoda
      Top male Philippines
      Bottom male South Korea

"This is the dumbest idea ever"

Philippines looked away from the road for a moment to glance at his partner. The korean man's brows were furrowed and pink dusted his cheeks. His arms were crossed and he stubbornly stared ahead.

Philippines eyes turned back to the road, "if you really thought that, you wouldn't be in the car right now."

The other man begun to grumble curses under his breath. Philippines only laughed, because it just proved that he was right. 

It wasn't long until they pulled into a church parking lot. Aside from an empty, beat up van, they were alone. 

Philippines quickly unbuckled his seat belt, "come on, you know you'll enjoy this."

South Korea grumbled, unbuckling his own seat belt, "if we get arrested, just remember that this was your idea."

They both got out of the car, only to reseat themselves in the back. South Korea's blush had deepened to a rusty red, trailing down his throat.

Philippines wrapped an arm around his partner, nuzzling his shoulder, "you'll be fine."

"I feel uncomfortable knowing Jesus is watching," South Korea already began to complain.

Philippines let out a short laugh, "Jesús is always watching, doesn't matter where."

His partner continued to mutter about "perverted deities" until Philippines shut him up with a kiss.

South Korea moaned as the kiss deepened, seemingly forgetting his previous grievances. Philippines' tongue swirled in his mouth, drawing out the air from his lungs and making his head spin.

"Not so bad," Phillipines had a lopsided grin when they pulled away. He was far more composed than the other nation, whose lips were puffy and a thin line of spit drippled from the corner of his mouth.

"Jesus the creep needs to stop watching us," South Korea huffed, unable to help but glance at the imposing statue nailed to the church.

Philippines laughed as he smothered the other's mouth again. This time, his hands moved downwards to cup and palm the other's crotch. South Korea's hand moved to tangle in his hair, pulling apart the messy ponytale he had put it in.

When they resurfaced for air, both were equally debauched. Philippines' hair hung around his face like a curtain, while South Korea could rival China with the redness of his face. 

Before South Korea could comment on Jesus again, Philippines began unbuckling his black slacks. The other nation hissed as his half hard cock was freed from its prison.

"Oh I don't want to fuck in the car, I don't want to get arrested, he says!" Philippines mocks. "Yet you wear no underwear!"

South Korea's cock twitches as he looks down. He's equally embarrassed about his actions and his cock's reaction to the teasing. 

Philippines continues to chuckle quietly while taking the other's cock in hand. South Korea bites his lip as he is stroked to full hardness, desperate to not make a sound and potentially attract attention. Blood begins to drip down his chin from the force.

Philippines swipes it away, first with the pad of his thumb, then with his tongue. South Korea releases the wounded flesh with a gasp, which Philippines takes advantage of. The island nation presses against him fully, pushing him into the door. 

Faintly, he can hear the sound of a belt unbuckling. The next thing he feels is a heavy cock against his own. He pulls away to gasp for air, unable to deal with both the weight against his groin and mouth.

His mouth is quickly filled once more, this time with fingers. Philippines takes both their cocks in hand while he lubricates the fingers that will prepare him.

When Philippines pulls away, he wastes no time kicking off his pants. He turns around to kneel on the seats, the small size of the car now very apparent. 

"Are you sure about this?" He mumbles as a finger enters him.

"You worry too much," is the response from his partner.

His thighs begin to shake as a second finger enters, finding his prostate with ease. As his cock twitches, he finds himself regretting how he forgot condoms and how difficult it will be to clean up after this.

He thinks no more when Philippines slowly pushes the head of his cock into his entrance. The other gives a sharp grin when South Korea can no longer hold in his moans.

Philippines gives a few experimental thrusts before finding a steady pace that leaves the other nation breathless. South Korea's back is bent at an awkward angle as he is unable to keep himself up. Nonetheless, he is clearly enjoying himself as loud yes's tumble from his lips.

Philippines swears he can feel the Jesus statue's judging eyes on him. He quickly shakes that off, determined to have an orgasm.

South Korea's moans turn to sharp shouts and cries as his prostate is brutally pounded. Philippines pants from the exertion. He blindly grabs at South Korea's cock, causing him to scream as he orgasms.

Feeling the tight heat constrict further around him, he grounds against South Korea and cums inside him. He all but collapses atop the other.

After a moment of lying boneless, he can't shake the feeling of being watched. He sits back on his heels, careful to pull out of his exhausted partner.

Looking around, he catches site of a flash from next to the Jesus statue. He narrows his eyes, seeing an old man scramble and run away into the bushes.

"Creepy ass jesus after all," he mutters and he pulls his pants back up and gives South Korea a water bottle.

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