Russian Empire x Prussia I

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Note: Top male Russian Empire
      Bottom male Prussia

"His Majesty the Russian Empire will be with you shortly," A servant informed the man in the sitting room.

"Thank you," he nodded. The servant spun on his heel and left.

Prussia tapped his foot as he waited, checking his watch every so often. He had become accustomed to everyone showing up to meetings early instead of on time.

"How did I know you would arrive this quickly?" A tall man asked, standing in the door frame.

"The same way that I knew I would have to wait two hours here for you, your highness,Prussia replied with snark. His rough accent showed much more clearly now than it did before, the Slavic language being unfamiliar on his Germanic tongue.

The other mearly laughed, as if it was nothing but a simple joke to him. Then he strode forward, hand reaching out to shake with the sharp man before him.

Prussia accepted it gracefully, his hand far rougher in comparison to the other's silk gloved one. "Russian Empire," he muttered, still in that harsh manner of speaking.

"Prussia," he responded, his voice light and far more graceful, comfortable and confident in its native tongue.

The two men sat in the luxurious armchairs across from one another. Russian Empire removed his white gloves, setting them neatly on the table next to himself. He reclined in the chair, crossing one leg over the other elegantly. Prussia meanwhile remained in an uncomfortable looking upright position.

"What was so important you demanded I be here in person?" Prussia hissed, never one for small talk.

Russian Empire took no notice of the other's tone and lazily waved over a servant. The young girl carried a medium sized silver tray and set it upon the table in the center. She grabbed the kettle atop of it and poured the tea into the two cups and set each on the tables next to the men.

"Do you prefer your tea with or without the sugar?" Russian Empire asked as the servant put two cubes into his drink.

"None," Prussia said through gritted teeth.

"Oh?" Russian Empire quirked an eyebrow, "I thought you loved sugar?"

Prussia's frown deepened. "It ruins one's discipline."

Russian Empire gave a hearty laugh. "Always one for discipline!"

Prussia was evidently not amused as he crossed his arms and glared at the other. He bit back a growl as the other motioned the servant to put a cube of sugar in his tea.

"I told you, I said no sugar," he held back his anger as the servant put the cube in his drink. She backed away, frightened.

"And I think that I've told you before that you need to let go sometimes, there is more to life than order and battle," Russian Empire fired back.

"Tell me why I'm here today," Prussia said, eerily calm and leaning forward.

"Tell me why you are so impatient to know?" Russian Empire took a sip of his tea.

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