Japan x America

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Note: Top male Japan
      Bottom intersex America

When are you coming over? The little message popped up on Japan's phone.

In a few minutes. He replied.

He had been a bit concerned when America had texted him out of the blue telling him he wanted him to come to his house immediately.

So now Japan was rushing to catch the bus and figure out what could have happened. Was it serious? Was it a prank?

Whatever it was, Japan was now standing outside of America's house. He still knocked on the door out of politeness even though his boyfriend had told him "me casa es su casa!"

A flushed American answered the door only a few seconds later. The white in his flag was a deep shade of pink and a few drops of sweat rolled down his neck. His shirt was crooked and wrinkled, as if he had thrown it on at the last possible minute. His belt was also missing.

"About damn time!" America yanked him by his collar and dragged him inside, slamming the door.

"Ame what-" Japan was cut off by lips harshly covering his.

"Shhh! Just, shhh!" America replied, briefly breaking the kiss before taking his mouth again.

Soon they had moved from the hall into the living room. America broke the kiss to push Japan into the couch.

"You could have just told me you were horny," Japan muttered, rolling his eyes and undoing his belt.

"Then you would have called me a poor baby and told me to get over it!" America huffed, shrugging off his shirt.

"You're right, I would!" He laughed.

Japan took a moment to admire America's toned form. The bulging biceps, the large pecs, the defined abs. America was quite the catch, although he wouldn't be caught dead saying that.

Japan saw something on the floor out of the corner of his eye. A decently sized dildo halfway under the table.

"You are impatient as hell," he accused. America followed his line of vision and flushed impossibly more.

"Just a tad!" He yelped as Japan smacked his ass.

America glared at Japan, only receiving a smirk in reply. He huffed and tugged Japan's pants and underwear down to his knees. Japan's mouth formed a small o as America grabbed his half hard cock.

"What? No foreplay?" Japan joked.

"If you'd gotten here sooner you wouldn't have missed out on it," America smiled cruelly, pulling off his own pants and chucking them in the general direction of the chair.

"No fair!"

"Nothing is fair with me, you should know this by now!"

America's cock sprung up as soon as he tugged down his underwear. Japan immediately took it in his hand and began to jack him off. While he was doing that, America reached a hand down in between his legs to finger himself.

"Mmh!" America groaned slightly. Japan smirked and using his other hand stuck a finger in America next to his fingers.

"Oh!" He gasped, now having three fingers inside of him. He wiggled his hips to adjust.

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