IJ x TR x FI

450 5 2

Note: Imperial female top
      Third male bottom
      Fascist male bottom

Imperial groaned in annoyance as she threw her book across the room. She was bored. So bored. She groaned again as she stretched across the couch.

Where were her boys? They usually were able to entertain her. Imperial got up off the couch and wandered into the kitchen.

No sign of Fascist. She checked the clock. 16:00. Weird. He was always in the kitchen making dinner about now. Imperial shrugged and decided to see if he was bugging Third in his office.

She meandered down the hall, glancing at the pictures and paintings now and again. She finally came to Third's office. The door was wide open and the lights were off. She walked inside and checked behind his chair, nothing. Where could her boys be?

Maybe they were upstairs? Imperial jumped up the stairs and walked over to their shared bedroom. The door was ajar and the lights were off.

She slowly opened the door and peered inside. In the dark she could make out two sleeping bodies snuggling each other. She stepped inside to get a better look.

Imperial stood beside the bed, peering down at her lovers. Fascist was curled into Third's side and Third had an arm wrapped protectively around him. How adorable.

Imperial thought back to the rather interesting book she had been reading. A man had broken into the home of two sleeping sisters and found himself very attracted to them. Imperial felt a tingling sensation in her belly and grinned. Sure, the genders were inverted, but that didn't mean she still couldn't have fun.

She slowly reached a hand down to caress Fascist's cheek. He continued to sleep peacefully. Imperial let her hand wander farther down. She slipped both of her hands underneath his shirt and reached up to gently toy with his nipples. His breathing became slightly uneven, but he didn't wake up.

She finally cupped her hand around Fascist's growing bulge. She heard a hitch in his breath and paused. Fascist moved slightly closer to her, and Third groaned in his sleep. She was more worried about Third, the light sleeper, waking up before Fascist. She didn't want him to ruin the fun.

With one hand she cupped Fascist's bulge again and with the other she toyed with his nipple. She got a little bored of the lack of reaction and carefully pulled off his shirt, pushing Third's arm to the side.

She slipped a hand underneath Fascist's pants and gripped him through his underwear. She grinned as she received a soft moan in response.

Imperial bit down on Fascist's now exposed chest and he groaned a lot louder this time. Imperial paused and looked up.

Fascist's eyes fluttered open and he stared at her unfocused. Imperial glanced at Third. He was still sound asleep.

Imperial put a finger to Fascist's lips as his eyes opened fully. "Shh," she said softly. Fascist turned his head to look at Third, then back at her.

Fascist opened his mouth to say something but seemingly decided against it. Imperial draped her body over his and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"How do we want to play today?" She asked quietly. Fascist was quiet for a moment.

"Mommy," he said breathily. Imperial grinned and pushed herself off of him.

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