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First Person POV:

I was sick of Mineta before camp had even started. After what he tried to pull at the pool, it took everything in me not to tape him to the front of the bus. Sero offered to help, but I decided to be the bigger person. Plus, Izuku had called all the other boys to train, so Iida was there to yell at people. We met at 7:45 at the school and loaded up for camp!

The bus was surprisingly comfortable. "The ride will be about four hours. We will stop to stretch in two." Aizawa told the class the plan and went straight to sleep. The bus ride felt much longer than it actually was since everyone wouldn't just shut up. I was next to Iida which I thought was a blessing until he started to try and get the rest of the class to be quiet. He was standing waving his arms and shouting at Mineta and Kaminari, deserved of course, but it became a bit much when Bakugou told everyone to shut up and started cussing people out. More than too many people were shouting at each other, whether it was because they were upset or they just couldn't hear each other over all of the noise, and some just joined in to feel included. I grabbed Iida by the arm and pulled him down into his seat.

He had a surprised look on his face when he turned his head to face me. I was glad that he stayed quiet while shocked, because 5 seconds after he sat, Aizawa whipped his scarf around the bus and tied all of the noise makers together. They stayed like that until Aizawa decided they had been quiet long enough. One by one they sat down and continued their conversations quietly. "I'm glad you're back to normal Iida. I was getting worried about you." I turned my head away from the boy. "Tenya." My head snapped back to its original position. He kept his gaze forward. "What?" He mumbled something under his breath. "I didn't quite catch that Prez. Could you speak up?" I grinned and awaited his response. "You can call me Tenya. All of my friends do, so I find it only fair for you to do the same." He stared straight ahead. "YES!" I shouted which earned me a sharp glare from Aizawa.

"Damn." I spoke as I breathed out. "I'm honored to be counted as your friend Ten. Ya." I emphasized each syllable of his first name. "You can call me y/n then. Or n/n or literally whatever you want. I don't really care." I waved a hand in front of me as I told him all of his options. He laughed as I blabbed about all of the different names I've been called by Mina and Jirou. We made small talk for the rest of the ride.

The bus came to a halt and I looked out the window. We were stopped at a rest stop on the side of a mountain. There was road behind us and road straight ahead and the rest stop was a round platform guarded by a fence. We piled out and stretched. After a couple minutes, a black car pulled up. The class fell silent and watched as three figures climbed out. Oh. My. God. I need to see Izuku's face right now.

I did my best to descretely look for him in our group, but I couldn't help but let out a slightly vocalized huff of air when I spotted they boy hidden behind Tenya. His eyes were wide and his jaw was slack. I could practically see his thoughts written in the air above his head. He held one of his hero Notebooks in one.hand and a pen in the other, but it appeared he was too stunned to write anything.

The group introduced themselves. Pixie-Bob, Mandalay, and Ragdoll. Most of the class were fangirling about the pros in front of us. Mineta was being weird. Shocker, I know. There was one member missing, Tiger. He's my favorite part of the group too! Bummer. The class' quiet whispers soon turned into a loud chaos of people making theories of why they were there. The bus started up.

Mandalay explained that they were the owners of the camp we would be staying at. "Since it's private property, you can use your quirks as much as you need for training!" She turned and pointed to a faint brown dot deep in the forest. "That's where you guys will be staying for the duration of camp!" Pixie-Bob glanced at a small watch on her wrist and spoke to us.

"You'll want to head out soon if you want to make it there by lunch." We all looked at each other. Lunch was scheduled for 12:30 and it was only 9:45. The drive is only two hours. Why is she acting like it'll be hard to make it on time? Confusion covered most of our faces as we turned to look at each other. I looked at Iida, hoping he would know what was happening, and he just shrugged.

As we faced our teachers, something in the air shifted. Aizawa was staring at us with a shit-eating grin. Chills. Students turned to run back to the bus but before anyone could get in, the doors closed and it drove away. Without us. "You should have realized by now. Camp has started."

The solid earth we were standing on turned to liquid and we all began to fall. Luckily none of us were hurt. Mineta said something about needing to pee and ran off into the woods. Not even 10 seconds later, he came running back at us, hiding behind a tree. A giant creature came stomping towards us. Well damn.

A voice spoke from what sounded like a speaker. "You have to make your way back to camp. Use your quirks as you must and be fast. See you soon everyone!" Ah. That was Mandalay's quirk. I saw Koda trying to tell the creatures to stop but it didn't work. "IT'S PIXIE-BOB'S QUIRK GUYS! SHE CAN CONTROL EARTH! JUST TAKE EM DOWN!" I shouted, hoping the rest of the group could hear me. Iida nodded at me, smiling. "Right! Let's go class 1-A!" He ran off. The class made combo moves and worked together, even Bakugou, to defeat the thing. As we high fived each other and walked towards the camp I heard a loud thud and snapping branches.

That's when we realized there were more than one. Oh shit oh fuck. Much more.

<1116 words>


Ok so this is awkward but I totally thought I posted this, and when I came to write the next one it was still counted as a draft so.... SORRY! Enjoy!

-Albion Orion

What a storm leaves behind (Mha x All Might's daughter)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora