Dokeyhao - injury recovery (pulled thigh muscle)

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ppl - minghao & dokeyom
prompt(s) - injury recovery (pulled thigh muscle)

dokeyom's pov.
A few days ago, during practice, my boyfriend Minghao hurt his thigh pretty bad.

It didn't seem like a big deal at first, but yesterday the injury really flared up right as we were walking out the door to schedules. Naturally our leader told me and hao to stay home and for me to take care of him, I am his boyfriend after all.


It has been about 3 days since Minghao got injured and us and the group just finished dinner. I helped Minghao get to our bathroom to wash up as well all ate pretty late today; it was about 9pm and we were all pretty tired.

I help him get up onto the cold marble counter but not without him making a pained noise in return. "Shh, it's ok haohao, you're strong.. this is a badly pulled muscle huh, it's been what, three days now?" He nods as I see his teeth are clenched together. I gently bring my hands to rest on his jaw and gently massage the corners of it to try and help him release the tension.

"There you go honey. Ok, let's get ready to sleep, okay?" He hums a small noise of acknowledging before I begin gathering our pijamas and skincare items.


After we finished our selective routines I helped my boyfriend get back where he belonged at the moment, our bed.

I bring a heating pad to rest on his upper thigh as that was where the muscle caused him the most pain. I hold the warm pad still as he gets comfortable in our powdery white bedding, letting out a few groans and moans in pain before settling on a position. I smile at him as he lets his eyes gently close as I gently press the heating bad down a little, not too much to hurt him, just enough that he can feel the heat a bit better.

I get cozy beside him and slowly start to kiss his soft shoulder that has been exposed by the large shirt he's wearing. He hums a content hum as I continue to leave gentle kisses on the sensitive skin. Eventually, both of us fell asleep to the soft sound of our fan in the corner of our room, or that's what I hoped.

But no, I hoped wrong. Because not 30 minutes after I closed my eyes I wake up to hearingmy boyfriend whimpering as I felt his hands gathering the sheets in what seemed like panic.

I open my eyes and sit up, turning on one of our two side table lamps.

I see minghao with flushed cheeks, his eyes filled to the brim with tears and whining in pain. "Oh honey, baby what's going on, hm? Tell me sweetheart," I say as I crawl to his side. "My, gosh, my thigh.. it fucking hurts dokeyom it hurts and I don't know what to do it feels like it's pulling on itself and it stings and I do-" I gently shush him as I could see him getting even more worked up.

"Ok ok ok, honey take a deep breath for me ok? Good, good job sweets. Let me just take a look and see if it's swollen or anything.." I say gently. I move our duvet out of the way before slowly picking up the heating pad. Moving his shorts a bit, I could see that his thigh was a bit red and the large bruise that was on the side of his thigh was still present.

"Ok honey, I think the muscle is just a bit irritated by the heat, I should've turned it off before I fell asleep that was my bad. Shhh, don't cry baby boy, it's ok.." I tell him as I see him jolt with another pained expression. I could see his muscle tense as he tried to endure the pain which obviously only made the pain worse.

I move my cool hand to gently graze the skin on his sensitive thigh. I could feel him jolt once more and let out a whimper. "It's ok darling, I'm just gonna try and help," I saw before running my palm over the deep bruise on his side.

I gently start to add a bit of pressure to his inner thigh to try and get him used to a more massage-type action. "Oww, hmmm, dk..." he wines. "I know hao, but I think massaging the area, or at least the area around it, might help you some.." I say as I keep kneading the soft skin in my palm.


About 10 minutes later I finish up the massage motion on his thigh as I could tell he was ready for bed once more. I lay next to him, first shutting off the light, before leaning onto his shoulder and whispering "there you go baby, your muscle just needed to relax a bit. Maybe the heat got it a bit worked up is all.." I place a small kiss on his, once again, exposed shoulder before whispering sweet nothings into his ear until I, myself, fell asleep.

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