Mincheol - fatigue

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ppl - seungcheol & mingyu
prompt(s) - fatigue

mingyu's pov.
Today has been really tough, referring to dance. All of the members, including myself, have been tirelessly trying to keep up with the choreography that was given to us a couple days ago as now we were ment to practice on our own to really get it down properly.

Though we aren't necessarily struggling with the choreography per se, it was the lack of fresh air and the vigorous movements that were causing us all to tire quicker than normal. Usually all of us could at least go a couple run through before needing at least a 10 minute break but today, all of us could really only do 1-2 run through of one song before sitting down for around 20 minutes to get our strength back.

It was unknown what caused all of us to be so tired and worn out, it could be that we just got off of tour a couple weeks ago and are still getting used to schedules again, or maybe it's because it's finally getting warmer in Korea as the summers comes around that our bodies aren't used to the warm temperatures yet. Who knows, I'm not a scientist.

But it's safe to say all of us are tired as shit, and it's only been a couple hours since our 5 hour practice started.

Although all of us are tired, I've noticed that my boyfriend, seungcheol, has been struggling a bit more than the rest of us. All of us were showing signs of fatigue, but he was showing signs of "I'm going to pass out in 5 minutes". He has sweat all over his body, quite literally drenching his thin t-shit until almost translucent.


I heard soonyoung call for another 10 minute break and all of us sign in relief, just finishing two runs of Home;RUN.

All of us slowly made our way to our designated spots against the mirrored walls holding the large practice room together. I sit down and take a quick sip of water before putting it down and looking up. I see my boyfriend slowly make his way over to me with a pale face and tired legs. He turns around and practically drops himself into my crossed legs, letting his back rest against my firm chest.

For some reason he was wearing a hat, so I took that off of his head before he rested his heavy skull on my shoulder. I begin to run my hand through his sweat-soaked hair, but not until I notice his skin being very warm; too warm for my liking.

"Hey, honey..? You feeling alright?" I say softly into his ear. He shakes his head slowly almost as if he didn't have enough strength to put more effort into the small action. I furrow my eyebrows and try to turn him in my lap to face me. A minute later I was able to move the practically limp body to face me in my lap.

"Baby.. you look like you can't hold up your own head.." he hums, "I cn't.." he mumbles before dropping his head back onto my shoulder.

I start to get worried, feeling his cheeks once more before saying to him softly, "baby, do you feel ok?" I feel him shake his head on my shoulder which instantly gets my full blown attention.

"Hey, guys, um cheol isn't feeling too hot. Well, actually he is like overheating.." I yell across the room, but not too loud as to not worry everyone so suddenly. Joshua immediately jogs over to where we are sitting and gently puts his hand on my boyfriend's sweaty back.

"Hey coups, you feeling alright?" He said gently. Joshua always had a way of comforting people and making sure they feel good, making sure they feel cared for. And he is quite good at caring for others in times of need. He doesn't verbally respond to him, only cuddling closer to my chest.

"He feels really hot hyung, like dangerously warm. And he can't even keep his head up," I say with a worried undertone.

Joshua instantly calls the members over, telling seokmin and woozi to help him get seungcheol's shirt off and get him to lay on the floor, bare back to the cold ground. "Mingyu, go support his head in your lap please. We need to cool him down, I'm not certain but I think he's just really fatigued which is leading to his body overheating; his body is too tired to regulate its temperature." I nod as I crawl over to my boyfriend's head, gently kissing his flushed cheeks before bringing his upper body into my lap.

Joshua demands that someone gets a cold water bottle and some sort of energy drink for when he is more conscious.

He wines as the almost frozen bottle is layed on his bare chest. "Shhhh, honey we need to do this. You are way too hot baby.. just breathe." I say gently, trying not to freak him out.


All of the members sit around us as me and Joshua tend to my boyfriend for the next half hour. He eventually threw up due to being overheated and exhausted.

"Alright guys, practice is canceled. I don't care what the company says about it, this is way too much on a day like this and we don't need more people getting overheated. Everyone pile into the van, let's go back to the dorm and cool off.." Jeonghan announces to the group, he has a stern tone but not an intimidating one.

All of us nod and as the rest of our members pack up, me and Joshua get seungcheol sorted for the ride.


After the long, yet cool ride due to the windows being open in the van, all of us are settled in the dorm.

Me and cheol are alone as Joshua told the members to allow my boyfriend to have some breathing room, and I mean literally due to him still struggling to breathe a bit.

I'm laying on our cover less bed, only being dressed with thin, satin sheets. Me and cheol have our shirts off, him dressed in some shorts as I'm in some random thin pijama pants. His head is laying in my crossed lap once again as I volunteered to massage his shoulders a bit, trying to calm his muscles down a bit after the absolute hell he went through today. Being over exhausted is horrible, all of us would know..

I see his chest falling and rising at a staggered pace still, but I try to calm him and cool him down as much as I can. I quickly ask Vernon to bring us a couple more energy drinks before I tend back to my boyfriend.

"Just breathe honey, calm down. Take a deep breath in, and out.." I say calmly, putting a wrapped ice back on the back of his sweaty neck. "Your body is so tired cheollie, just take it easy." Just as I finish trying to calm cheol's breathing Vernon walks in with the ice-cold drinks. I quickly bid him goodnight with a small thanks as he leaves the room quietly.

I can hear my boyfriend's soft snores before I could even open one of the drinks. I smile knowing he is getting some much needed rest. I gently bring my hand to his tummy and just rest it there, allowing me to feel his breaths start to even out. I kiss his warm forehead before laying down next to him, but not getting too close as to not overheat him once more. "Goodnight darling.. you did good today, baby."

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