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i hope you guys enjoy this chapter. There is a very sexual scene so if you are young, pls skip 😘


"Did they say what happened?" Zahra rubbed Truth's arm,

"A brain aneurysm," Truth muttered, "I can't believe it, my dad is just gone," He said looking to her.

"Me either," She held his hand. "You need to go and be with your mom, she needs you right now,"

Truth sighed and let go of her hand, "My mom doesn't want to be around me,"

"Trust me she needs you," Zahra replied. "You need to talk to her; support her,"

"No, I have to go," He shot up,

"Lucky," She sighed sitting back,

"Thanks for — I shouldn't have grabbed you like that, did I hurt you?" He tried to touch her but she flinched.

"You need help Truth, anger management, therapy, anything," Zahra mentioned. "Because I won't let you near my kids like this, I can't,"

"Zahra my dad just died and you're saying I can't be around my kids?" He frowned at her.

"You choked me out in front of Tahari, what would you do to Tahj and Taylor?" She shot back.

Truth felt himself getting angrier as she spoke.

"I am not a violent man," He towered over her angrily, "Don't ever insinuate I would hurt my kids, that's fucked up,"

"But you hurt me so you must understand where I'm coming from," Zahra argued,

"Shut the fuck up," Truth barked at her,

"Stop shouting," She said under his watchful glare.

Truth grabbed her arm and brought her closer. "Try and keep me from my kids, I dare you," He tightened his grip on her arm.

Zahra could hear Tahj crying in the other room, crying for her.

"Stop," She tried to get out of his grip,

"Keep playing with me Zahra; keep on," He held her throat. "I am not in the fucking mood for your games, try and keep my kids from me, I want you to,"

"How can you see them like this?" Zahra cried shaking in his arms,

"They're mine," He shook her harshly,

"Truth you're hurting me," She tried to express but he only gripped her tighter. "I'm sorry okay; you can have them, whenever you want but please get off me,"

"Lucky I am going to have to ask you to leave before I call the police," Iman stood by the door, rocking a screaming Tahj.

Truth let go of Zahra and hit the wall beside her, causing her to jump.

"I expect to see my children tonight; play with me if you want," He said before he pushed her out of the way, leaving the room.

Zahra let out a breath and held her chest, breathing in slowly.

"He's gone," Iman rubbed her shoulder soothingly,

"Something is really wrong with him," Zahra cried, rubbing her throat which was burning. "He is going through something, I just don't know how to help,"

"He is not your responsibility anymore, the sooner you sign the papers, the better for the both of you," Iman told her wisely,

"I'm not agreeing to his terms, they're not fair," Zahra shook her head,

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