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⚠️trigger warning ⚠️


Zahra hung up the phone and took a deep breath. The thought of breaking up her family hurt her to her core but she couldn't stay and be abused again.

She could hear Truth pacing around their room and that scared her.

"I'm sorry for yelling," Truth said as Zahra came out of the closet, holding onto clothes.

"It's fine," She mumbled moving around him,

"Z," He reached for her arm, making her jump but settle when his touch was gentle. "I'm sorry for shouting, I know that scared you,"

"I don't control every bad thing happening Lucky, I didn't speak to anyone last night, you saw me go to bed," Zahra looked up at him.

"I know and that's my bad, I just thought because of last night - but you're not like that, you're my wife I should have known," Truth said holding her waist.

"I would like to leave now," She said, trying not to feel any pleasure from his touch.

"But you're tired," He pointed out when she yawned. "Come back to bed, come on,"

"Truth no," Zahra said softly. "You said you would take me back to the apartment,"

"I want to spend time with you, to make up for what I did," Truth leaned down to her neck. "And I got you something," He kissed her neck gently walking her to the bed.

"I've told you about buying all this stuff," She sighed sitting on the bed.

"This is different, I've been planning this one for a while," He handed her an envelope.

"What's this?" Zahra asked in confusion,

"I know how you feel about the houses being in my name, like the one in Palm Springs, the penthouse," Truth spoke as he kissed her neck, "I wanted you to have something," He said squeezing her shoulders.

Zahra allowed him to kiss on her neck and shoulders while she opened it.

"This is mine?" She glanced up at him.

"I got you some properties, between here, New York and London," He nodded. "I thought it would be good for the kids too, having a legacy and it's all in your name,"

"This is too much," Zahra muttered, "I don't even know what to do with all of this,"

"You could rent them out, put it in a trust fund, I don't know it's yours," Truth shrugged. "I want you to have your own things, I know how you feel about that,"

"You'll let me control my money, on my own?" She asked in surprise,

"Yes," He nodded. "I only control our joint accounts and what's mine is yours, you know that,"

"This is very thoughtful, thank you," She puckered her lips for a kiss.

Truth leaned down to kiss her, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"You're happy with it?" He said between kisses,

"I love it," Zahra pulled him closer, kissing him again. She did want her own individual stability, especially when she didn't know if their marriage would last.

Their kiss escalated, ending up with Truth hovering over her, her legs wrapped around his waist.

"And I love you, so much," Truth muttered in her ear, kissing it softly.

"I love you too," Zahra gasped, her back arching off the bed as he slid into her.

"I can't let you leave me Zahra," He spoke pumping in and out of her, every stroke deeper than the last.

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now