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*enjoy my lovessss, please like and comment, tell me how you're feeling about the book too. * 💕💕💕

a) is there anything I can change?
b) anything you want to see from Truth and Zahra?



"This is what you made?" Caleb blinked at Zahra,

"I mean, I struggled to even do that, my wrist is still broken," She mentioned lifting her hand up.

"Next time you won't talk out of turn," He said back to her.

Zahra put a glass of water down for him before she started to clean up the kitchen.

Caleb watched her for a moment before saying, "You still haven't dropped any of that weight you put on,"

"I've been working out," She turned to him,

"Have you? Couldn't tell," He muttered under his breath,

"Do you think I'm fat now or something?" Zahra said looking down at her body.

"I know a lot of niggas wouldn't put up with this, mediocre food and you sit at home all day getting fat," Caleb answered.

"When I'm stressed, I eat, I have my finals," Zahra said back to him,

"You're not gonna be a surgeon, you need to give that shit up," He mumbled to himself. "And get on a diet, you can't be this big all the time,"

"Zahra, I'm talking to you," Tatum nudged Zahra, causing her to snap out of her daydream. "I was saying do you want to get a coffee?"

"Do you think I've put on weight since Tahj?" Zahra looked in the mirror, touching her stomach.

"Are you okay? You've literally dropped at least ten pounds the last few months," Tatum exaggerated,

"Yeah," Zahra sighed turning to the side to look at her body some more.

"Has Lucky said something?" Tatum raised a brow,

"No he would never," Zahra replied softly. "Maybe I'm coming on or something, I feel bloated,"

"Maybe, I always get like that on my period, and then Taye wants to be in my face, all damn day," Tatum grumbled.

Zahra leaned down to roll up her yoga mat, thinking about when her period was due.

"You keep zoning out girl, is about the tape on Lucky?" Tatum asked knowingly,

"I feel terrible, I called him and I probably made things worse," Zahra replied with a nod,

"You were shocked, I'm sure I would have done worse," Tatum said before taking a sip of her water.

"I said I was taking Tahj back to London, I panicked," Zahra answered. "He said he's going to fix everything so I'm trusting him,"

"Personally, I don't think he said anything terrible but you know the media," Tatum spoke, checking her phone.

Zahra noticed the shift in her energy almost instantly.

BABY DADDY [KEITH POWERS FAN-FIC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora