21. Over my dead body.

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Harper's pov:

After the unsettling encounter with my father, I made my way toward Hope's room, intending to relocate her to Hazel's room for safety. However, to my dismay, she was nowhere to be found. I knew in my gut that my father was behind her disappearance. Just as I had anticipated, my phone rang, and I answered it with a mix of anger and concern.

"Where is she?!" I shouted into the phone, my voice filled with urgency.

"Oh, Hope? She's right here-" my father's voice was abruptly cut off by a desperate plea from Hope, "Please help-" Before she could finish her sentence, my father silenced her, causing a sickening impact sound to resonate through the phone, followed by a cry of pain.

A surge of anger coursed through me as I spoke in a dangerously low tone, "Do not lay a hand on her."

My father's response was chilling, "You have 10 minutes. If you're not here by then, I will throw her off the rooftop." And with that, he abruptly ended the call.

Cursing under my breath, I rushed towards Hazel's room, knowing that time was running out. I wasted no time in explaining the situation to her.

"We have to go, Hope is in danger," I relayed urgently.

"She's already in danger, you kidnapped her, bitch," Hazel rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I don't want her harmed though. We have a lot to discuss as well. You're my sister. Surprise!" I said with a snarky tone.

Grabbing her hand, we dashed towards the car and I quickly started the engine. Within no time, we arrived at our destination. However, as I glanced towards the entrance, I noticed several men dressed in black, positioned as guards, blocking our way inside. I turned to Hazel.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" I asked her, hoping she had some knowledge of self-defense.

She nodded at me, "Obviously," and without hesitation, I retrieved two guns from the back seat and handed one to her.

I informed her that we would need to find an alternative route through the back, allowing us some time before engaging in a full-blown fight to reach the rooftop. With adrenaline pumping through our veins, we swiftly exited the van and made our way towards the rear of the building. As soon as we entered, bullets began to whiz through the air, forcing us to take cover and navigate our way through the treacherous situation ahead.

No one's Pov:

Unknown to Harper, Allison had located where Hope was and used her vampire speed to get there. She crept behind Harper and snapped her neck. She didn't have much time before she woke up but she and Hazel made their way towards the building.

Allisonl's Pov:

Hazel and I continued to fight against our adversaries, desperately trying to overcome the odds stacked against us. Time was slipping away, and we knew we had to act swiftly.

"Go to the elevator! I'll be right behind you. Go now!" I shouted, my voice filled with urgency.

Without wasting a second, my girlfriend sprinted towards the elevator, her determination evident in every step. Meanwhile, I remained behind, doing my best to hold off our relentless attackers. However, the sound of Hazel's piercing scream caught my attention, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Allison!" she cried out, her voice laced with fear and desperation.

I swiftly turned around and my eyes widened as I realized that the elevator doors were closing, threatening to separate us. At that moment, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, I aimed my dwindling ammunition at one of the assailants and fired a single shot, ending his life. Discarding my now useless weapon, I sprinted towards the closing elevator doors, desperately trying to reach Hazel before they sealed shut. With luck, I managed to slip inside just in the nick of time.

As I caught my breath in the confined space of the elevator, a sinking feeling washed over me. Time had run out, and we were left with the consequences of our actions. Frustration and anger boiled within me, escaping in a single expletive.

"Fuck!" I couldn't help but let out a cry of frustration, my voice reverberating within the walls of the elevator.

Hazel's voice quivered with uncertainty as she broke the silence. "No, no, Ryan wouldn't actually kill her, right?"

I turned my gaze towards her, my expression a mixture of concern and resignation. Without uttering a word, I conveyed my doubt, leaving the answer hanging in the air. Despite the uncertainty, Hazel whispered a hopeful reassurance to herself.

"No, no, no, she's not dead," my voice barely audible, a desperate attempt to believe in a positive outcome.

The elevator doors abruptly opened, revealing a chaotic scene before us. Hope and Ryan fighting. Hope was bruised and bloody while Ryan had a few cuts on him that healed up instantly. After a while Hazel tackled Ryan off the building and Hope said a spell that saved Hazel from hitting the ground and lifting her back to the roof. All of a sudden Hope fell, and my eyes landed on her lifeless form, lying unconscious on the ground a little further away.

With a surge of panic, I rushed towards Hope and cradled her fragile body in my arms, my tears mingling with the dust and grime of the battleground.

"Why won't she wake up?" my voice trembled, tears flowing freely.

With a trembling hand, I pressed my fingers against Hope's pulse, desperately seeking a sign of life.

"She's fine, she has a lot of wolfsbane in her system," Hazel reassured me, her voice filled with relief.

Gently lifting Hope into my arms, I stood up, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us on our journey back home. However, as we turned around, hope was quickly extinguished by the sight that greeted us. Guns were pointed directly at us, held by a group of menacing figures ready to do whatever it took to claim their prize.

"That girl you're holding, give her to us, and things won't get messy. Just hand over the girl," Harper said, her voice laced with a sinister tone.

Hazel's voice cut through the tension, "I thought you didn't want to harm her," she retorted, her tone laced with disbelief and accusation.

Harper's laughter was cold and devoid of humor, "Oh, please," she sneered, her voice dripping with scorn. "The moment I had the chance to reach the rooftop, my intentions were clear. I was going to kill you and Hope. I don't care about our blood ties, that you're my sister. It means nothing to me."

Her words were a chilling confession, "Me and my dad, we put on quite a show for the cameras. But don't be fooled. I knew the entire time that my dad brought Hope here. It was all part of the plan." Harper's face twisted into a cruel smirk, "The plan was to gather you and the two sisters up here, all together, and then kill you."

Her eyes gleamed with a sinister light as she continued, "We knew the necklace was going to reveal Hope's location to Allison. That was part of the plan. But there's something else I want. I want Hope's power. I want it before we kill her."

Suddenly, her voice turned into a growl, her demand echoing ominously around them, "Now give me the girl." Her words hung heavily in the air, a dark promise of what was to come.

A surge of defiance welled up within me, my eyes narrowing as I firmly declared my refusal.

"Over my dead body," I responded, the words dripping with an unwavering resolve.

The tension in the air thickened as the demand was repeated, the menacing figures refusing to back down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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