19. May I introduce myself? I'm Ryan Clarke

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Hope's Pov:

I slowly regained consciousness, my vision hazy and disoriented. Blinking several times, I attempted to rub away the remnants of sleep from my eyes, only to discover that my hands were inexplicably shackled above my head. Panic surged through me as I realized the gravity of the situation.

Frantically scanning my surroundings, my heart sank when I spotted Hazel nearby, her face marred by a bloody nose. "Hazel!" I urgently whispered, my voice filled with a mixture of fear and concern.

Taking a moment to assess the room, I observed that it was eerily empty, save for a mysterious closed cabinet standing in the corner. A sense of foreboding washed over me, and I couldn't help but shudder at the thought of what could be concealed within its confines. The walls, constructed from cold stone, were adorned with small embedded lights at the base, casting a dim yet strangely captivating glow that barely illuminated the space.

Desperate to grab Hazel's attention, I raised my voice and called out her name once more, this time with more fervor. It took a moment, but finally, she stirred from her unconscious state. To my dismay, I noticed that her hands were also bound together and connected, mirroring my predicament.

"What happened? Why are you bleeding?" I asked frantically, my voice filled with concern and fear.

With a pained expression, she replied, "Ryan, he came barging in. He demanded to know where the files that you had were. I had no clue what he was talking about, so I told him I didn't know. But he didn't believe me. In a fit of rage, he threw a powerful punch right at my face, leaving me bloodied and bruised. He only left when he noticed you stirring."

Overwhelmed with guilt, I immediately apologized, "I'm so sorry, I never intended for any of this to happen."

Her voice filled with reassurance, she quickly responded, "Hey, no, don't blame yourself. You had no idea what was going on."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, I shared my plan, "I took the files from you and I buried the files in the woods. It would be much safer if they weren't on my person. They can't find out where those files are."

Nodding in agreement, she surveyed the room, her gaze taking in the details of our surroundings. I could tell she was trying to assess our situation, just as I had done earlier. Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing three individuals entering the room. Among them was Harper, dressed provocatively in a tight black dress and heels, her hair slightly curled. Standing next to her was Ryan. And bringing up the rear was a mysterious figure clad entirely in black, gripping a gun tightly in their arms. The person took their position in the corner while Harper positioned herself close to the door. Ryan, however, approached me, his presence triggering a flood of memories.

"You! You're the one who shot my girlfriend! You sick bastard!" I yelled, my voice filled with anger and contempt. In my rage, I even spat at him.

Looking down at me, his eyes bore into mine, exuding darkness and intensity. He took a step closer, and although I tried to lean away, I could only retreat so far. Avoiding his gaze, I shifted my focus to the floor, but he grasped my hair, yanking my head back forcefully, and compelling me to meet his gaze.

"She deserved it. I suggest you tell me where those files are located. Otherwise, things will escalate and your situation will become significantly worse," he stated, his voice dripping with malice and a menacing undertone.

"I don't know where the files are," I stated, my voice tinged with frustration and fear.

"More lies, I see," he sneered, his eyes narrowing as he walked over to Hazel. He kneeled to her height, his presence intimidating, and looked back at me with a chilling gaze. "I can kill your sister's girlfriend right here and now, you know, so you better speak up."

My heart raced, adrenaline coursing through my veins. The weight of the situation pressed upon me, urging me to take action. My answer remained the same, but when I saw him raise his fist, panic surged within me, overriding any semblance of composure.

"Wait, wait!" I pleaded desperately, my voice trembling. "Just let her go, and I'll tell you where the files are. Please, just let her go."

Harper's voice suddenly cut through the tension, her words laced with a mix of concern and authority. "Ryan, I think it is best if we let Hazel go."

He looked towards her, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. It was a momentary pause, a fleeting clash of power within their twisted family dynamic.

"Must I remind you that I'm the heir and what I say goes?" Harper asserted, her voice firm and resolute.

Ryan's gaze shifted towards the figure standing in the corner, a silent command passing between them. He instructed the person to take Hazel away and for Harper's men to handle the situation.

The guy dressed in black swiftly moved, untying Hazel and escorting her out of the room before she had a chance to protest. The door closed behind them, leaving me alone with the enigmatic man and Harper.

"Now that we have that cleaned up," Ryan remarked with a touch of amusement, his tone laced with a menacing undertone. "May I introduce myself? I'm Ryan Clarke, and I can make your life hell if you do not give up those files."

My mind raced, searching for a way out of this dangerous web. I knew I had to be careful with my words, to protect myself and those around me. I took a deep breath, steadying my voice as I replied, "The files are hidden in tunnels that YOUR men had chased me in. They are in the room where I had gotten the gun from. I suppose you know where they are, seeing as you saw me."

Though my voice projected an air of confidence, deep down, I knew I was lying. It was a desperate attempt to buy myself some time, to find a way to escape this perilous situation.

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