2. I'm not a bottom!

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Hope's Pov:

With every ounce of strength, I mustered, I was sprinting, the bottom of my bare feet barely touching the ground before they were off again. But despite my desperate attempts, the grotesque demon-like creature was relentlessly in pursuit, its heavy steps echoing ominously behind me.

I dared to look back, and its glowing eyes intensified my fear. The creature was closer than I had imagined, its silhouette a terrifying sight against the dim backdrop. But when I snapped my gaze forward again, my foot caught on an unseen obstacle. I stumbled, lost my footing, and found myself hurtling down a steep hill. The world around me turned into a blur as I rolled uncontrollably, the ground beneath a rough and unforgiving surface.

Finally, the momentum ceased, and I lay on my stomach, gasping for breath. My heart was pounding in my chest like a wild drum, every beat echoing the terror coursing through my veins. But the moment of respite was short-lived. As I flipped onto my back to regain my breath, the creature was right there, its hulking figure looming over me like a nightmare come to life.

Its teeth, sharp as daggers, glinted in the faint light, and it growled menacingly. The sight of the creature so close sent a fresh wave of fear coursing through me. I was trembling uncontrollably, every instinct screaming at me to escape, but my body was frozen in place by the overwhelming terror.

Its hot breath wafted over me as it leaned toward my neck, its teeth mere inches from my skin. The anticipation, the impending sense of doom, was too much to bear. I let out a blood-curdling scream, the sound echoing through the silence, as it finally bit me.

I jolted awake with a gasp, a strangled cry trapped in my throat as I struggled for breath. My eyes were filled with unshed tears that blurred my vision.

"Hey, breathe baby," Lizzie's voice was soothing as she woke up and rubbed my back in an attempt to calm me down.

I tried to follow her breathing pattern, inhaling and exhaling in sync with her. It took a few minutes, but slowly my erratic breathing began to steady, the pounding in my chest subsiding to a more manageable rhythm.

"What happened?" Lizzie asked, her voice gentle and soft, a stark contrast to the terror that had ruled my mind moments ago.

"The same dream as always," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Lizzie opened her arms in a silent invitation for comfort. As I nestled into them, we gently reclined into the bed, Lizzie cradling me in her arms like a protective shield against the nightmares.

Lizzie began to stroke my hair, her fingers weaving through the tresses in a soothing rhythm. She whispered reassuring words into my ears until I eventually fell back asleep.
We drove for about 30 minutes, laughing and talking in the car. Lizzie decided to make things more fun by playing music and singing along, I couldn't resist joining in,

Lizzie sang, "Like a Harley in the wind, got you bragging to your friends the way you ride, Like a rodeo, ride like a rodeo, babe," with a playful confidence.

Feeling the excitement, I added my twist to the song. "He loves how I ride it. Hop on the dick, I made him get excited. This pussy is off-limits for lame. Yeah, fuck me like you got some pain in you. You can't go back and forth with no groupie hoes. But these bitches love how you do me, though. Had to tell her that dick off-limits," I sang with amusement.

Lizzie cheered and acknowledged my contribution, saying, "Wooo, Hope!"

But the joyful atmosphere quickly changed when Allison's voice cut through the music, sounding serious. "Hope. Andrea. Mikealson," she said quietly, showing her disapproval.

Caught off guard, I froze. Hazel leaned in from behind and whispered in my ear, "Someone's in trouble."

Reacting to her comment, I playfully flipped her off, but she smacked me on the back of my head in return. It hurt, so I rubbed the spot and turned to face Allison, making a pouty face.

Allison wasted no time scolding me, pointing her finger directly at me. "Those were naughty words, Hope," she scolded.

Feeling defensive, I leaned back in my seat, crossed my arms, and muttered under my breath, "Lizzie started it," as if to shift the blame.

Lizzie was not impressed and quickly leaned forward to confront me. "Bitch! You did not just throw me under the bus, I'm your girlfriend," she retorted, looking at me.

The tension in the car was momentarily broken by laughter from Josie and Hazel. They found the situation funny and I couldn't help but laugh as well.

No one's Pov:

Josie and Hazel, in the back of the car, playfully speculated about Lizzie's and Hope's relationship.

"I think Hope is top," Hazel whispered, curious.

"Hope? No way," Josie countered, convinced, "she's bottom. Lizzie is top."

Unbeknownst to them, Lizzie overheard their conversation and interjected, smirking, "You do realize I can hear you, right? And for your information, I top."

Caught off guard, Hope playfully pinched her girlfriend's side, mischief in her eyes, and exclaimed, "I am not a bottom!"

Josie snickered at the banter and teased, "Hope, sweetie, you give off bottom vibes."

Despite the playful exchange, Hope impatiently asked, "Are we there yet?"

Allison declared, "We are here," as she skillfully parked the car, temporarily ending their journey.

The group got out of the car, preparing for their next adventure. But before they could leave, Allison intended to give her friend a twenty-dollar bill. However, Hope swiftly snatched the money from her hand and hid behind Lizzie for protection.

Chasing after Hope, Hazel playfully shouted, "You asshole!" Lizzie intercepted Hazel, blocking her path.

With a mischievous grin, she stayed behind Lizzie, waiting for the perfect moment to escape.

When Lizzie signaled her to run, Hope wasted no time and sprinted ahead, with Hazel chasing her. However, in her haste, Hope collided with a parked car. Hazel burst into laughter, finding amusement in Hope's slightly disheveled state as she adjusted her beanie. Embarrassed, Hope sheepishly returned to the group, handed Hazel the 20-dollar bill, and stood between Josie and Lizzie.

"Did you run into the car?" Josie wheezed out.

"Shut up," Hope mumbled.

As the group approached the entrance, they got stuck in a long line, moving forward slowly. The wait felt never-ending and boredom started to set in. To pass the time, Hope and the twins decided to take pictures and enjoy each other's company.

With a playful spirit, Hope surprised Lizzie by hopping on her back and giving her a sweet kiss on the temple. Josie skillfully captured the tender moment with a picture, preserving their affection. Unbeknownst to them, Allison discreetly snapped pictures of the adorable couple.

However, Hope, exhausted from the night she had, unintentionally fell asleep while still on Lizzie's back. At that moment, she looked like a little koala, clinging to Lizzie for comfort and support.

Allison noticed and asked in disbelief, "Did she just fall asleep on your back?"

Lizzie, having been there with Hope's tough night, explained to the group, "She... She's had a rough night" Josie, already familiar with the situation, nodded sympathetically.

Finally reaching the entrance, Lizzie remarked with surprise and relief, "Well, we're at the entrance."

To wake Hope up, Josie gently rubbed her back, trying to rouse her from her peaceful sleep. Slowly, Hope woke up, adjusted her position, and slid down from Lizzie's back.

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