12. What? Oh. Oh!

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Hope sat gracefully on the old wooden docks in her beautiful wolf form, her mesmerizing golden eyes fixed on the gentle ripples dancing across the water's surface. As the breeze rustled through the leaves, her ears perked up, sensing a familiar sound approaching from behind her. Curious, she rose to her paws and turned around.

"Hey, Hope?" Lizzie's voice rang out, filled with uncertainty and anticipation, wondering if her beloved was out there.

Unable to contain her excitement, Hope let out a joyful yip, letting Lizzie know she was there. She bounded towards her with agile steps, transitioning into a sitting position on her hind legs. Tenderly, she extended her tongue and lovingly licked Lizzie's hand, showing her affection.

"Hey, baby," Lizzie's voice was warm as she ran her fingers through Hope's soft fur.

Lizzie's eyes sparkled with relief and amusement as she shared a lighthearted confession, "I searched all around the school for you, and people probably thought I was going crazy."

Hope emitted a gentle whine, nuzzling her head against her girlfriend's side.

A mischievous glint danced in Lizzie's eyes as an idea formed in her mind. "How about you get dressed?" she suggested playfully. "I have something special to show you."

Hope, understanding the excitement in Lizzie's voice, nodded eagerly. She dashed behind a nearby tree, where she had discreetly stowed her clothes. As the transformation from wolf to human commenced, the sound of bones shifting and reshaping made Lizzie wince with empathetic discomfort. Yet, the discomfort swiftly dissipated as Hope emerged from behind the trees, now fully clothed in cozy sweats and a vibrant green hoodie. Seeing her transformed, she pulled Hope into a hug and placed a tender kiss on her temple. Lizzie extended her hand wanting Hope to grab it so she could lead the way.

Taking her extended hand, Hope intertwined their fingers. With boundless excitement, Lizzie led them through the enchanting woods.

After making their way through the woods, they arrived at their destination, concealed behind a curtain of vines. With a gentle sweep of her arm, Lizzie unveiled a sight that left Hope breathless. Before them stood a magnificent, otherworldly cave, seemingly touched by magic itself. Its heart held a shimmering water hole, radiating an ethereal glow that captivated the eye. Above, two openings in the cave's ceiling bathed the surroundings in a gentle cascade of natural light, while vines draped the walls, intertwining with the ancient rocks, creating a tapestry of organic beauty.

Hope gasped in awe, met by Lizzie's radiant smile. "Babe, this is so beautiful," Hope whispered, genuinely wonderstruck.

A warm glow enveloped Lizzie's expression as she spoke, "I thought this place was cool, and I wanted to share its magic with you, my love." She tenderly beckoned Hope closer, "Come here, " Lizzie started walking towards a rock.

Following her lead, Hope padded towards a handcrafted nook, nestled amidst the cave's embrace. Covered in a velvety carpet of soft, algae-covered rocks, the cozy spot beckoned them to surrender to its embrace. With a gentle thud, Lizzie settled against the smooth rock, her legs spread open, silently inviting Hope to sit between them. Love and trust radiated in the air as Hope nestled her back against Lizzie's front, their bodies fitting together seamlessly.

Lizzie's voice, a tender whisper, caressed Hope's ear as she spoke, "Do you mind if I braid your hair?" The question lingered.

Hope craned her neck to meet her girlfriend's gaze and responded with an adoring kiss, a silent affirmation of consent. With loving care, Lizzie began sectioning Hope's auburn strands, her fingers deftly weaving them into elegant braids.

Once Lizzie was finished with her braids, Hope turned to lay on her stomach, head in Lizzie's lap. Her hands made their way to stroke Hope's cheek as they stared at each other. Hope's eyes began opening and closing slowly and Lizzie noticed this.

"You tired my love?" She asked.

"Mhm," Hope mumbled.

"Go to sleep, I'll be right here the whole time," Lizzie whispered tenderly.


After a serene moment of unity in the cave, a realization dawned upon Hope and Lizzie - it was time to return to reality. With a shared understanding, Hope transformed into her wolf form, a beautiful display of nature's magic, and offered Lizzie a ride. Accepting the extraordinary offer, Lizzie climbed onto her back and they journeyed back to the familiar school grounds.

Once there, Hope shifted back into her human form, a spectacle unnoticed by the world around them. The two girls then settled into their respective cars and embarked on their journey home. The drive was a silent symphony of thoughts, each absorbed in their own world. As the events of the day settled behind them, Hope found herself engaging in a comforting dinner and conversation with her sister. It was during this tranquil moment that she noticed a text notification from Lizzie. The message had arrived two hours prior.

"Mom won't be home. Josie is out, we have the night to ourselves. Meet me at my house in an hour, I have a surprise," the text read.

A wave of panic washed over Hope as she realized the lateness of the hour. She immediately sprang into action, racing to Lizzie's house. Her car accelerated down the roads, reflecting her racing heartbeat. When she finally arrived at her destination, she rushed through the front door, and ran to Lizzie's room. her breath ragged and her heart pounding.

"I'm so sorry, I was having dinner and chatting with my sister. I didn't see your text. I'm so sorry," Hope frantically tried to explain, gasping for breath.

Lizzie silenced her with a gentle finger placed against Hope's lips.

"Shh, my love. It's okay," Lizzie assured her, a comforting presence amidst Hope's distress.

As Hope's breathing slowed, she took the time to examine the room. The space was transformed, adorned with lit candles casting a warm, inviting glow and rose petals scattered in a romantic display.

"W-what is all this?" Hope stammered, looking at her girlfriend for clarification.

"I thought we could spend a peaceful night together. I asked Mg to keep Josie occupied tonight so we could have some time alone," Lizzie explained, her eyes filled with a potent mix of love and desire.

In response, Hope reached out, pulling Lizzie closer by the back of her neck, and pressing her lips against hers in a gentle, passionate kiss.

"We hardly get any alone time, so I thought tonight would be our special night and I could take your mind off what happened at school," Lizzie murmured into her ear, her voice a seductive whisper.

"What? Oh. Oh!" As the implication of Lizzie's words dawned upon her, Hope could feel a deep blush heating her cheeks.

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