8. What. The. Fuck.

5 0 0

I caught the football with a surge of adrenaline and began sprinting down the field, skillfully maneuvering past the opposing players who were desperately trying to tackle me. As I raced forward, my eyes scanned the field, searching for an open teammate to pass the ball to. And there she was, Hope, wide open and calling out my name.

"Lizzie! Over here!" Hope's voice echoed through the air, filled with anticipation.

Without wasting a second, I prepared to throw the ball with all my might, my arm drawing back and then propelling forward in a powerful motion. But just as I released the football, a forceful tackle sent me crashing to the ground. The impact shook me, but I quickly regained my footing, my eyes fixated on Hope, who was now sprinting towards the end zone. I knew she had the speed and skill to make it. I darted down the field alongside her, ready to offer assistance if needed.

Hope's determination was palpable as she picked up her pace, her legs propelling her forward with unwavering resolve. And then, with a burst of energy, she crossed the threshold of the endzone, scoring a vital touchdown for our team. A surge of exhilaration rushed through me, and I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Woo! Good job, Hope!" I exclaimed, unable to conceal my admiration.

Knowing that Hope was our team's most reliable kicker, I took a knee and positioned myself, holding the crown of the ball securely in my hands. Meanwhile, Hope backed up, her focus unwavering. The piercing sound of the referee's whistle pierced the air, signaling the start of the next play. Hope sprinted forward, her foot connecting with the ball, sending it soaring towards the other side of the field.

The opposing team swiftly caught the ball and began their daring attempt to advance toward our endzone. Our players valiantly tried to block their path but were met with fierce resistance from the opposing team. Hope, however, possessed an unwavering determination. She raced towards the opponent, aiming to intercept their progress, and almost succeeded in bringing the player down and snatching the flag from his waist. But a powerful collision caused her to be thrown back with considerable force, causing her to crash onto the ground, emitting a pained groan.

Without a second thought, I sprinted towards Hope, my concern overriding any other thought. She was writhing in discomfort, her eyes fluttering open and closed as she struggled to catch her breath.

"Hope! Hope, hey, are you okay?" I asked, my voice filled with genuine concern.

The sound of her labored breaths and gasps for air pierced the air, and she desperately clawed at her chest, her panic evident. Instinctively, I placed my hand on her chest and gently rubbed the spot that she had been clawing at.

"Breathe with me, Hope. In... Out... In... Out... Just focus on your breath," I reassured her in a soothing voice, guiding her through the process.

Gradually, she regained control over her breathing, her gasps subsiding as a sense of calm washed over her. I watched as she looked at me, with a triumphant smile, she raised her hand, which clutched a white flag, proudly displaying her successful interception of the opponent's flag. A burst of laughter escaped my lips, and the referee, witnessing the entire sequence of events, acknowledged our achievement by awarding us points.


Hope's Pov:

We won our last game with a score of 55-48 and were now in my sister's car heading to my house. I was in the front while Josie and Lizzie were in the back. The twins were coming over to hang out for a bit.

After an hour of driving, we made it back to our house.

"Hey, why don't you two head up to Hope's room, I gotta talk with Hope," Allison looked at the twins before looking at me sadly.

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