17. Secrets and Files

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No one's Pov:

Several weeks had passed since the students had packed their bags and headed off for winter break. It had been a time of relative tranquility and normal, or at least what Hope would classify as 'normal'. Well besides Ryan making Hope and Allison his target and Allison being suspicious with the empty room they had upstairs and leaving out of nowhere. However, as experience had repeatedly shown them, such periods of peace and normalcy were fleeting and short-lived.

Upstairs, Allison and Hazel were enjoying their own company, recently having become a couple thanks to Hope. She took this as her chance to explore the secret room. Hope told Lizzie she would be right back. She wanted to search the room Allison had kept a secret.

Hope's Pov:

While searching the room, my attention was drawn to a file cabinet filled with documents related to gangs, leaders, and even the mafia. I was taken aback. I never thought the mafia was real. Curiosity got the better of me, and I started pulling out files that contained names associated with the mafia. One file in particular caught my eye: "The Luxury." It listed everyone involved, including my sister. Shocked, I couldn't believe it. Was my sister the head of a gang? I also discovered another file labeled "Triad," which seemed to be related to another gang. I opened it and found a list of names, with "Harper Clarke" listed as the head and Ryan Clarke. I placed the files on the table and continued searching for any information related to my necklace. Finally, I found a picture of my necklace along with some details. There was a code on my necklace that meant "always and forever" and Ryan Clarke and his girlfriend were after it. Could my necklace be the object of their pursuit? I had no way of knowing for sure, but one thing was certain: I was panicking.

"Lizzie!" I called out, my voice filled with urgency.

She rushed over to where I was, scanning the room before turning her attention to me.

"Hope, what is all this?" she asked, bewildered.

"I don't know. That's what I'm trying to figure out," I replied.

As she approached, we heard the door slam shut, followed by footsteps.

"Hope!" a voice shouted.

I glanced at Lizzie, and then my sister appeared at the door.

"Hope, what the hell are you doing in here?" She demanded.

"I don't know. What is all this?" I asked.

Before she could respond, there was a loud banging on the door.

She looked back at us, and for the first time, I saw fear in her eyes.

"Hope, Lizzie, you need to go down to the basement and use the tunnel to escape," she instructed firmly.

"What? What's going on, Allison?" I pressed.

"Don't ask questions. Just go now!" she yelled.

She turned to head downstairs, and I looked at Lizzie as ran. I grabbed the files and we made our way towards the basement, but before we could reach it, we heard the door crash open, followed by shouting and a gunshot.

I glanced at Lizzie and saw Lizzie lying on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood.

"Lizzie!" I screamed.

I tried to run towards her, but Hazel pulled me back.

"I'm so sorry, Hope, but we have to go. These people are armed with wolfsbane, and we need to leave immediately," she whispered urgently.

I took one last look around, noticing the number of people in the room. That's when my eyes met those of Ryan. Allison ran towards Lizzie and fed her blood before turning towards me and Hazel.

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