15. Hazel's motorcycle

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Hope's Pov:

I had been comfortably nestled in Hazel's and Ashley's house for about an hour. I was seated between my sister and Hazel until I was interrupted by a call from Lizzie. In an attempt to maintain the tranquillity of the room, I quietly excused myself, retreating into the sanctuary of the kitchen to talk to my girlfriend.

"Hey baby, where are you?" Lizzie's voice echoed with concern, her words carrying an undertone of worry. "You never responded to my text last night. Are you okay? I love you," she confessed, her words hanging in the air between us.

"I'm so sorry, baby," I responded, my words tumbling out in a rapid ramble, each syllable filled with regret. "When I got home from your place last night, I found Nia and Amber already there. They know Allison and have decided to stay at a hotel for a while. I had a bit of a breakdown and my sister, seeing my state, decided it was best for me to stay home from school. For now, I'm at her friend's house. Again, I'm sorry, and I love you too."

Her voice softened as she replied, "Breathe, just breathe. You're okay. You needed the break anyway. I have to go before the teacher catches me on my phone. Be safe, and I promise I'll text you when school is out, okay?" Lizzie asked.

"Okay, love you," I managed to reply, the words a mere whisper, before we ended the call.

Turning around, I was met with a surprise that made me jump. Hazel was standing on the other side of the kitchen island. Her unexpected presence startled me.

"Hazel!" My exclamation echoed in the room, a reflection of my surprise.

Hazel responded with a laugh, her amusement evident as she gracefully traversed the distance between us.

"So, I managed to convince your sister to let me take you on a thrilling ride on my motorcycle," Hazel announced with a radiant smile gracing her lips.

"What?! Yes! Finally," I exclaimed, my body bursting with excitement as I performed a spontaneous happy dance.

With a chuckle at my display, Hazel gently took my hand in hers and led me towards the garage. The promise of adventure hung in the air, tempting and intoxicating. The garage was quaint and filled with the intriguing scent of oil and metal, a testament to Hazel's love for motorcycles.

Upon arrival, she moved towards a cabinet and brought out two shiny helmets - one was a vibrant metallic red, and the other was a lustrous metallic green. Hazel chose the green one for herself, her fingers deftly slipping it on and lifting the visor with practiced ease. She handed me the red helmet, her eyes watching carefully as she made sure it fit snugly over my head before we mounted her sleek motorcycle.

Once we were comfortably seated on the motorcycle, Hazel turned her head slightly to check on me. She offered me a comforting smile, ensuring I was okay before we set off into the unknown.

"Wrap your hands tight around my waist. You're rather tiny, and I wouldn't want you flying off," she laughed, a playful tone dancing in her voice.

"I'm not that small," I protested softly, a faint pout on my lips.

Obliging nonetheless, I wrapped my arms securely around her slim waist. The warmth of her body seeped through her clothes, providing a comforting reassurance. She glanced back at me, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief, and gave me a reassuring nod. I returned the gesture, a silent promise of trust and excitement. With that, she revved her engine, the sound echoing around us in the quiet garage. And then, with a thrilling sensation of speed and freedom, we took off into the crisp morning air.


After riding for a few hours. Hazel gradually decelerated and guided the bike to the side of the deserted road. She lifted her visor, revealing her blue eyes, and turned to me, her face breaking into a mischievous smirk.

"Your sister isn't here, and I thought perhaps you might like to take the reins," she suggested, her tone dripping with playful challenge.

"No way!" I exclaimed, my voice ringing out in the still air. Exhilaration coursed through me; Allison, despite our close bond, had never once allowed me to ride her motorcycle.

Hazel gracefully dismounted from the bike, her movements fluid and confident. I took the opportunity to scoot more towards the front of the seat, placing myself in the driver's position. Hazel then climbed back on, situating herself behind me. Her arms gently wrapped around my waist, providing a comforting sense of security as she leaned in to explain the controls of the motorcycle.

With her patient guidance, I quickly grasped the basics. Soon, we were back on the road, the bike humming beneath us as we disappeared down the winding road. Hazel's voice, steady and calm, directed me to make a left turn. Five minutes later, we found ourselves entering a long, mesmerizing tunnel. The tunnel was lit with a soft, ethereal red glow that bounced off the walls, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. The solitude within the tunnel, far removed from the outside world, felt euphoric, as if we were in our private universe.

During this surreal setting, Hazel retrieved her phone from her pocket. She unlocked it and activated her camera. I held onto the motorcycle's handles with my left hand, feeling the bike's vibrations resonating through my arm. With my free hand, I lifted my visor, revealing my face to the world, and held up a peace sign. I glanced back at Hazel, her phone capturing the moment, and broke into laughter – a joyous sound that echoed off the tunnel walls. Then, with a renewed sense of exhilaration, I tightened my grip on the handles and twisted the throttle, the motorcycle responding instantly as we surged forward into the glowing red abyss.

Ryan's Pov:

I observed Hope and Hazel as they drifted into the tunnel. It was the ideal moment to capture them. I instructed my team to block the opposite end of the tunnel. Once they were in position, my daughter and I stationed ourselves at the entrance. All I had to do was seize Hope and Hazel, and I would be free. I wouldn't have to worry about her trying to take the title of alpha.

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