The mother of a dog

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Why won't you love me? I wag my tail when I hear your voice. Yet tremble under the volume. You never pet me anymore. I whine and scratch at the door. Yet you ignore my cries. And scream at me to be silent. Your hands clamp around my muzzle. squeezing so tightly I begin to growl. Then you trike me for making a noise. "How dare you talk back to me?!". You scream in my face. My body trembles with rage. I clench my jaw as to not let out the bark that will anger. I follow you everywhere. Loyal to your side. Yet you strike me for doing so. "Leave me alone already!". Why won't you love me? I have never asked for more. I've been loyal to you my whole life. No matter how many times you strike me. No matter how many times you screamed. I stayed and I sat

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