Personal poetry

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A conversation with myself)


What...happened to us?

(A Lot...but I'll try to answer as best I can.

Does mom ever come visit us?

(In a few years yes. But you won't ever be the same.

Does...does he get away with it?


What about the other two? Do we get justice?

(...We will.

Do the nightmares ever end?

(No, but they get better. We rarely have them now.

When will this feeling go away? I don't want to feel their hands anymore...

(It.. it doesn't go away. But.. we get better at ignoring it

Will we ever stop being afraid of them?

(No, but it gets easier to be around them

I don't want to be afraid of dad.. Or grandpa...they didn't even do anything and all i can do is flinch..

(They know. It hurts them. But we get better.

Do we ever apologize to grandpa?

(He... dies before we get the chance.

Do mom and dad get back together?

(No, but dad finds a nice lady who loves him and marries her

Is she nice?

(She is, but we get mad at her a lot and make her cry

Why do we do that?

(Because we wish she was her



Why do we still love her?

(I don't know...

The complex feelings of lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें