I wonder

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Sometimes I wonder if the world I live in is in fact reality.

Sometimes I wonder if the rain ever misses the clouds.

Do the trees ever get lonely?

Such silly questions to think about, I know but is it really?
Is it so wrong to ponder about the overlooked?

The small things of our everyday lives that make up our memories.

The leaves on the sidewalk we purposely stepped on to hear their crunch.

The rollie polis we kept as pets for a few minutes before we dropped them.

These are things I think about as I stay awake at night.

The ceiling and I having an intense staring contest as I try not to blink away my tears.

My sheets hold memories of long nights filled with anger, and regret.

My stuffed animals know my deepest secrets, the parts of me that no one will ever know.

The walls of my room protect those screams of deep emotion that I alone could not contain.

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