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Maya room.
Maya sits on her bed, her thoughts consumed by the recent events, when suddenly there's a soft knock on her door. Before she can respond, the door opens, and Kabir and Ansh enter, their expressions somber and apologetic.

Maya: (surprised) kabir bhaiya, Ansh Bhaiya ? What are you doing here?

Kabir and Ansh exchange a glance, steeling themselves for the conversation ahead.

Kabir: (hesitantly) Maya, we need to talk.

Maya furrows her brow, sensing the seriousness in their tone.

Maya: (curiously) What's going on?

Ansh: (sincerely) Maya, we owe you an apology. We were wrong to interfere in your relationship with Rudra.

Kabir: (regretfully) We let our own biases and fears cloud our judgment, and it's cost you both so much pain.

Maya's eyes widen in surprise, not expecting such an admission from her brothers.

Maya: (softly) Bhaiya ... it's not entirely your fault.

Kabir: (earnestly) No, Maya, it is. We should have trusted you to make your own decisions, to follow your heart.

Ansh: (firmly) We were so focused on protecting you that we forgot to listen to you, to support you.

Maya's heart swells with a mixture of sadness and gratitude for her brothers' humility.

Maya: (tearfully) I appreciate your honesty, kabir Bhaiya and Ansh Bhaiya . But what's done is done. I don't blame you for anything.

Kabir: (insistently) Still, we want to make things right. We want to ask for your forgiveness.

Ansh: (determined) We'll do whatever it takes to make amends and to support your relationship with Rudra.

Maya's eyes shimmer with emotion as she looks at her brothers, feeling a sense of healing beginning to wash over her wounded heart.

Maya: (softly) Thank you, Bhaiya . Your support means everything to me.

Kabir and Ansh share a relieved smile, grateful for the opportunity to make things right with their sister.

Kabir: (earnestly) We love you, Maya. And we'll always be here for you, no matter what.

Ansh: (nodding) Always.

Maya's heart swells with love for her brothers, grateful for their unwavering support and determined to move forward with forgiveness and understanding.


Maya sits in the backseat of the car, flanked by her two brothers, Kabir and Ansh. As they approach Roy Mansion, Maya's heart begins to race with anticipation and nerves.

Ansh: (gently) Maya, are you sure about this?

Maya takes a deep breath, steeling herself for what lies ahead.

Maya: (determined) Yes, Ansh Bhaiya. I need to do this.

Kabir: (supportively) We're here for you, Maya. Whatever you decide, we'll support you.

Maya offers a small nod of gratitude as the car comes to a stop in front of the mansion. With trembling hands, she reaches for the door handle, her heart pounding in her chest.

Ansh: (encouragingly) You've got this, Maya.

Maya steps out of the car, her brothers following closely behind. As they approach the entrance, Maya's nerves threaten to overwhelm her, but she pushes them aside, focusing on the task at hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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