Will never change.

58 1 18

Mehrotra mansion.
Kabir, Piya, Shivina and Ansh were sitting on the couch....

They heard the door open and saw Maya and Rudra come hand in hand...

Kabir and Ansh stand up immediately..
Kabir: MAYA!

Maya flinch hearing her brother voice.
Maya walk backward... rudra hold her hand....
Rudra look at Maya..... she look at him...

Kabir: Leave his hand right now..

Rudra: Look Kabir....! Why are you and Ansh are trying to ruin both your sister lives! Maya is happy with me and Zoya is happy with Aditya!

Kabir: Shut up Rudra! I am not talking to you!

Rudra: FINE! ANSH MAYA OR SHIVINA! You choose!

Ansh came to stand beside kabir.
Ansh: Shivina is my girlfriend! And maya is my sister.

Rudra: LIKE YOU AND YOUR BROTHER ARE NOT LETTING MAYA AND I REUNITED! I will also not let shivina and you reunited Ansh! SHIVINA IS MY SISTER! And I won't let her get marry to someone like you....

Ansh: FINE!
Rudra held shivina hand.
Rudra: Shivina let's go from here! I am done fighting for Maya! And again she is listening to her brothers! She is a coward...

Kabir: Yes she is! And do come to her wedding Rudra! Wait let me give you the card...

Maya was confused.
Rudra take the card from kabir hand and read it.

Rudra: Maya weds Samrat. The wedding is next week.
Maya look at her brothers....

Maya snatch the card from Rudra hand...
Maya: Bhai! What is all this! Who is Samrat! And why didn't I know anything about this! When did you make this card!

Kabir: You are my responsibility Maya and as an elder brother I am taking a good decision for you....

Rudra: Congrats Maya!
Rudra say with red eyes.
He held shivina hand and left.

Piya: Kabir!

Kabir: Dont scream. She is my sister Piya and I want to take the best decision for her! I won't let her ruin her life like Zoya.

Piya sigh!
Piya: okay!

Maya look at them...
Maya: Thank Bhai... we could inform me about my wedding on the day of the wedding itself.
Maya look at Jhanvi coming....

Maya: Did you know.

Jhanvi look down.
Maya: thanks mumma. And don't worry I will marry the boy of Bhai choice only. I won't run away.
Maya went in her room and locked herself.

Hooda mansion....
Zoya was sitting on the couch. Abhira came to sit by her side.

Abhira: You know I know Adi since a long time.... I know everything about him.

Zoya: That's amazing..

Abhira: Do you know him? I heard you elope with him!

Zoya: I know him well..

Abhira: Do you know what is his favorite food..

Zoya: of course. But do you know?

Abhira: of course pasta.
Zoya laugh.

Zoya: No it's noodles..

Abhira: No it's pasta!

Adi came to sit by Zoya side. He put his arm  around her.

Adi: of course it's noddles! You thought you know me Abhira but you don't!

Abhira look down....

Adi: And my Zoya know me so well! Even if we elope! We are not ashamed. We love each other ..

Abhira: How do you know it's true love.

Adi: It's true love....Zoya is my soulmate..

Zoya smile looking at Adi...

Abhira: You two will never be happy! Your family didn't even accept your marriage. They kick you out...

Zoya look down feeling bad.
Adi look at Abhira angrily. 

They heard the door open..
they were shock to see Rudra holding a crying shivina inside.

Aditya immediately stand up.
Aditya: what happening?

Rudra look at him.
Rudra: Her and Ansh are over okay!

Zoya: Rudra...
Rudra look at Zoya angrily.

Rudra: Zoya please!

She hold his hand.
Zoya: what happen to you! Why are you being heartless...

Rudra push Zoya. Aditya immediately hold her.
Aditya: RUDRA!

He left angrily to his room....

Zoya look at Aditya.
Zoya: what's happening Adi?

Shivina: Bhabhi bhai Kabir fix maya wedding with someone. Her wedding is next week and they already did the card.
Shivina hand Zoya the card.
Shivina: Here.

Zoya look at the card shockingly.
Zoya: what the heck.
She tear the card and throw it.

Zoya: why are they doing this Adi...

Adi: Zoya i will just come Okay. I will talk with Rudra.
Zoya nodded.

Abhira smirk looking at all of this.
"So my sister Roohi does have a chance with Rudra...."

Zoya hold Shivina hand.
Zoya: Come Shivi let's go to my room.
Shivi nodded and went with Zoya.

Abhira smirk looking at them.

Rudra room.
Aditya went inside and saw everything was destroyed in the room...

Adi: Rudra.

Rudra: Adi please leave me alone.

Aditya: Rudra please. Don't do anything bad.

Rudra: I know! Don't worry I won't get any other girl or marry with anyone else. I loved maya and will always love her.

Aditya: stop the wedding! That's all I need to tell you.
Adi left. Rudra sigh and sit on the floor.

At the village.
Raghav home.
Raghav look at Naina sitting in the living room. She look sad.

Raghav prepare a hot coffee for her as he knew she like that. He take the coffee with him and went in the living room. He sit beside her...

Raghav: Here.

Naina take the coffee and smile at him.
Raghav: what happen there? Did everything went alright?

Naina look down..
Naina: He really has a girlfriend... I told him about you and he seem annoyed.

Raghav: That's perfect Naina! Our next plan is that we should go together in front of him. Like I am taking you on a date to make him jealous...

Naina look at Raghav and nods.
"How I don't feel like doing this! Why I am not caring anymore about him!.."thought Naina.

Raghav: Did he tell you something?

Naina: Yes. He say tomorrow night he is going to a ball.

Raghav: Ohh that's perfect. I know where it it... we will go together okay.
Naina nodded.

Naina: I am going to take some rest Raghav.
He nods and Naina left.

Raghav: I Heard if you love someone you should do anything for them! Even if you sacrifice your own love for them... I love you Naina but I know you love him!
He sigh.

Raghav felt someone touch his shoulder.
Raghav turn and saw his mother...

Raghav: Mom..

Sarla: Tell her beta.

Raghav: No mom.... I cant... she love someone else.

Sarla: she love you but she is confuse about her feelings.
Sarla left.

Raghav look at her mother leaving.

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