Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 : Accident
Author's note: I do not own this, all rights goes to Akira Amano, I only own the ideas here. characters may be out of character .

Beta by KazueHiromi previously known as The Mafia-ish Addiction from ffn

-Tsuna's room-

"Hey, Tsuna, What are we going to do now? Since you know, the Summer Holidays have officially started." Yamamoto smiled at Tsuna.

"Baseball freak, don't talk to the Tenth so casually. I'm sorry for his behavior, Tenth." Gokudera bowed a total of ninety degrees to ask for forgiveness.

"Gokudera-kun, it's okay. There's no harm done so please stop apologizing?" Tsuna sweat dropped at his friend's antics "And, Yamamoto-kun, how about going to an Amusement park? Since Lambo, I-Pin and Fuuta have been begging me for days to visit one"

"Good idea, Tenth. We can have a break from our summer holidays assignment. "Gokudera actually beamed towards Tsuna. "Your decisions are as wise as usual! That is why I'll follow you forever"

"Err... Gokudera-kun... I think your overreacting on things (yet, again)"

"I'll follow you wherever too, Tsuna!"
Just then both Lambo and I-Pin's voices were heard, indicating that the two are getting nearer.

"HaHa! I-Pin, Lambo-san won't give you the grape candies. It's all mine now! Gyahaha~"
Lambo suddenly runs around the room while I-Pin chased after him.

A small trail of grape candies scattering around as he dropped a few of them. "Stop, Lambo. Tsuna-nii said we should share with everyone." I-pin said.

However, Lambo ignored I-Pin and keep on running with the grape candies while soundly praising himself accompanied by his really boisterous laughter which in turn contributed on the noise level.

"Ahoushi, keep your volume down. Can't you see? I'm talking to Jyuudaime." Gokudera raged out furiously at the sound Lambo made and landed a hit on Lambo's head.

"Got-Gotta C-Calm D-Down" Lambo suddenly burst into tears and took out his Ten Year Bazooka which had been upgraded secretly by Giannini.

When Lambo is about to use the device on himself, he ended up tripping on a grape candy and letting go of the Bazooka.
That ended up flying towards Tsuna.

So how is it? I edited this chapter after my beta reader help with it. This story was posted in ffn as one-shot then I change it into multi-chapter after I have some idea of continuing with the help of my wattpad friends :) .


For old readers, my story sentence's structure has slightly changed because I have gotten a beta reader. So it maybe different from what you read previously, but the plot is still the same.

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