Ch. 5 - Jailbird

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Sorry for the wait everyone. Ive decied to make small changes to the story but nothing big just small tweeks to make writing easier, make it more enjoyable for you guys, and to help future events. Enjoy :3

Location ???

Y/n: Ow...My head. Where am I?

Looking around, Y/n finds himself in a black void while feeling like he is floating in a liquid too thick to be water. Suddenly white dots appear around him like stars in the night sky.

Y/n: Oh god not you again

Keizer: Yup its me! What, aren't you happy to see little ol' me?

Y/n: I feel like every time I talked to you something bad is going to happen

Keizer: Yea right, there's no way that's true-

Y/n: I've talked to you a total of 4 times, 1 of those times I had to fight Gojira right after, 2 other times I had to/was fighting Ghidorah.

Keizer: ...Whatever...

Y/n: *sigh* What do you want?

Keizer: Oh nothing.

Y/n: Then why did you bring me here if you don't need to tell me something?

Keizer: First off, I don't need a reason to talk to anybody, second off, you were forced here.

Y/n: What do you mean? What even happened in the first place?

Keizer: Well...


Ghidorah is seen flying up into space, eventually landing on the dark side of the moon and walks to her ship. Upon reaching the side a large hiss was let out as a large door opened revealing Megalon on the inside. Megalon slightly bows her head at Ghidorah before looking at Y/n in her arms.

Megalon: My Queen...Is that-

Ghidorah: The new alpha? Yes, he put up a fight but nothing to write home about. Now then, to the med-bay. If he dies I will destroy both this moon and that planet.

Megalon: Y-Yes my queen!

Megalon quickly rushed to take Y/n from Ghidorah but is cut of by a glare from her.

Ghidorah: I will be carrying him there, you are not to touch him unless I give permission.

Megalon: Yes my queen!

Megalon rushes in front of Ghidorah, opening the doors for her as they approach the med-bay. Once they enter the med bay she sees Gigan inside tinkering with her arm blades. 

Megalon: Gigan, what are you doing here?

Gigan: I don't know, why don't you tell me why I would I ever be in a med-bay little miss scientist. (Hey that rhymed!)

Megalon stares angrily at Gigan with her having a smug look on her face. Before she can respond Ghidorah walks through the door with a cold stare on her face directed at Gigan.

Gigan: M-My queen! What are you doing here!

Ghidorah: I don't know. Why don't you tell me, little miss scientist.

Gigan: Apologies my queen! I didn't mean to offend you!

Ghidorah: I'm not the one you offended Giagn, you weren't even talking to me. Why would you apologize to me.

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