New Power? New Problems.

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Back in hell and wasting no time in working on their plan, Alastor took his son to the store. Trying not to show his discomfort, Alastor entered one of the many electronics stores owned by the Vee's. One he happened to know Vox was working in that day. Sonic ran around excitedly, looking for the perfect TV to add to his room at the hotel. A shift in energy emptied the shop. "Alastor! What are you and that thing doing here?" Vox questioned, absolutely pissed. "Ah, Vox. Old friend... it appears as though my little one has taken an interest in your... less than favorable source of 'entertainment' due to Angel Dust's influence!~ How fun...~" Alastor stated, humming as he walked around himself, leaving Sonic to do what he did best. Not considering the child a threat of any kind, Vox followed Alastor and prevented him from breaking his products. "The 'all powerful Radio Demon' is FINALLY investing in proper entertainment? Now that's a sight I never thought I'd see. Similar to the day I saw him fall to his knees over a brat~" Vox taunted. "A rare sight indeed!~ Thankfully that won't ever hAPpEN AGaiN." "Hah. Well I wouldn't say that. He's back in town after all~ It doesn't take much to catch him either." "Poking the lion again, Voxy-Doll?~" Alastor looked up as Valentino made his way over. "Valentino! I wasn't made aware you'd be here too." Alastor lied. Of course he knew, that's why he brought Sonic. "Indeed I am, Alastor~ To what do we owe the pleasure?~" Alastor's smile strained and he glared slightly as pinkish red smoke surrounded his face. "Doing a little shopping I'm afraid. The boy has been asking for one of your pathetic picture boxes and I must admit I simply can't say no to him!~" Alastor exclaimed dramatically to hide his discomfort and disinterest again. Meanwhile, Sonic was sneaking around in the office of the store. Looking for something... Alastor had asked him to look for a piece of paper with the name 'Anthony♡' on it. He had been given a tip that Valentino took it with him everywhere, which meant it would currently be in the electronics shop. Sonic cursed his inability to read cursive writing as he searched papers in drawers. Glowing shiny papers in particular caught his eye. He saw many names that meant nothing to him... until he found it. Glancing over the contract, he saw 'Angel Dust' in it with 'Anthony♡' at the bottom and purred. "Bingo." Sonic rolled up the paper, hid it in his bag, and returned to the store, immediately pushing over a TV as the signal he was done. All three overlords looked over at him, and Sonic lowered his ears. "O-oops...." Vox could have blown up at him, but Valentino laughed. "Don't be, sweet pea~ This shelf are displays that are rejects anyways." Val knocked over a TV to prove his point. Sonic giggled softly, and thanked him. "Papa! Can we still get a tee-bee machine?" "I suppose. We'll take this one." Alastor said, picking a random TV his shadows had thoroughly checked for bugs and cameras. "Yay!~" Alastor paid Valentino as opposed to Vox, and snapped his fingers, sending his purchase to the hotel. "Come now, dear, my break is ending!~" "Ok, Papa. Bye hat man!~" Sonic said, waving to Valentino. "Call me Val." "Ok! Bye Val!~ By Pox!~" Valentino laughed again at Vox's anger towards the child who clearly enjoyed pushing his buttons as much as Alastor did.

Returning to the hotel, Alastor took the contract from Sonic and went up to Angel's room alone. "Oh Angel! May I come in, we have something VERY important to discuss!~" "Eh?! Uh... sure. Come in." Alastor entered and shut the door behind him. "Getting right to buisness, I have a very unique deal to make with you!~" Alastor said in his best sales voice. "A deal? Talk ta Val..." Angel said, pulling Fat Nuggets into his lap. "Mm, no!~ See, I have found something very... useful~" Alastor said, showing Angel his contract. "And I happen to have a fawn who can destroy this contract!~" Angel immediately looked up with interest. "The kid can do that...?!" "Yes he can!~ So. How about a deal?~" "....I'm listenin'..." Angel said after putting his phone down. "I will have Sonic deal with this little paper, and that will of course free you from Valentino... However in return, I will own your soul instead." "I dunno which is worse." Angel huffed. "I won't put you to 'work', so that's a plus!~ And -in time- I'll release the contract for your redemption purposes. Until that point, I will own you." Alastor explained. "....What about the Vee's? Valentino ain't gonna be happy to hear I'm out...." Angel asked. "No need to worry!~ I protect my property." Alastor promised. ".....Ok.... deal." Alastor and Angel shook on it, and Alastor called Sonic to the room. "Darling, can you destroy this contract, please?" Alastor asked, giving Sonic the paper. "Mhm!~" Sonic used his chaos energy and the contract burst into flames in his hands, destroying the bond, and Angel felt it. The familiar chain formed around his neck, and shattered. He was actually free from Valentino's abuse. It wasn't a trick. Alastor may own him, but he also saved him. Angel Dust teared up and launched himself into Alastor's arms, hugging him tightly, despite Alastor immediately tensing and being uncomfortable with his touch. "Angel...? Why are you crying?" Sonic asked, feeling guilty. "W....was that your paper? I'm sorry...!" Angel let go of Alastor, shook his head, and knelt to Sonic's level. "T-these are happy tears...!~" Sonic hugged Angel, and Alastor watched them closely. After the tears stopped, Angel signed his soul to Alastor as promised, and the three joined the rest of the staff in the lobby. With no hesitation, Angel announced his new working status. "Guess who's retired, bitches!?~" Angel struck a pose after putting Sonic down. Everyone else looked at him, completely shocked. "The Vee's let you go...?" Husk asked. "Nope!~ I made a deal with Al, and now I'm free of their shit!" Husk immediately wanted to argue and scold him, but Angel continued to explain. "He owns my soul now, BUT he said he'll give it back eventually for this redemption thing. I'm basically free!!!" While sceptical about Alastor's intentions, everyone smiled at Angel Dust's enthusiasm. "But... how? I mean... Alastor doesn't have the power to break somebody else's contracts." Vaggie asked. "Nah, but the kid does~" Angel said, carefully ruffling Sonic's quills. "He does? How?!" Husk asked. "Magic!~" Sonic said happily. "You don't need to know, Husker...." Alastor said with a dark smile. "What do you want Angel's soul for...?" Charlie asked, and Alastor chuckled. "Not for any malicious reasons... towards him anyways." He hesitated before deciding to just let the crew in on his current plan. "I simply must make all of the Vee's suffer for what they did. And the best way to do that is through their work of course!~ Taking Valentino's star actor is just the second step of many more to come...~" Alastor said, his eyes glowing with pure hatred directed at the trio. "And... and Sonic can really break contracts?" Charlie asked, thinking it could possibly become a perk of staying at the hotel. "Yes, he can!~" "I am a wizard!~" Everyone had some sort of positive reaction to Sonic's newly established power. Except one.

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