Sonic's Fall (Short)

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Quick note before you begin: I did NOT remove "My Blue Baby Boy", Wattpad took it down. And I took down "Fight For My Little Life" because it probably would have been too (plus without the first book it didn't make sense to keep it). If any other stories of mine disappear, it's because Wattpad finally decided my content was too dark. Perhaps I'll actually make an AO3 account or whatever that site is if another story is taken and deleted on me... eh!~ :')

🎶In the aaaarms ooof the aaaangeeels🎶

(I made up a detail in regards to Sonic's name, deal with it.)

The one thing that still plagued Alastor's mind some days was... why had a child like Sonic fallen into Hell? He certainly didn't earn such a lovely surprise, so Sonic must have done something VERY wrong to land down in Hell. But he was alive, so sins were irrelevant... he'd have his whole life to redeem himself amongst the living. So why did he end up here? Alastor had held onto the child for over a decade by this point, and still couldn't imagine why. Sure NOW he's something of a killer, but he was an infant when he fell... an innocent, playful, shy, stubborn little fawn. He simply could not put a crime to the chubby little face of the brat. Nobody knew... nobody even witnessed Sonic fall. He just.... appeared. Only Sonic knew what had happened... and he wasn't about to tell anyone...

{Long Ago...}

"Push Love, Push!" "AhhhhhHHhAAH!"

The room fell silent as Aleena, the queen, gave birth to her first born son. A bundle of blue. The king and queen worried for their child as he didn't begin to cry upon his entry into the world... but the nurse who delivered the baby was not. His face was calm, his breathing regular, and he appeared to be just fine. "He's alright...!~ A beautiful and healthy baby boy!~" The king, Jules, comforted his wife while the baby was cleaned. "Can I hold him...?" Aleena asked, already trying to reach for the newborn. After a moment, she held the sleeping infant in her arms, whispering greetings to him. "Hello... you're my darling prince...!~ Hi...!~" Jules smiled at his exhausted wife as she stared happily at their son.... Unaware that his wife was going to quickly change her opinion.

A week was all it took. For a week, Aleena and Jules adored their boy, almost constantly sneaking glances at him in between their royal duties. Jules even cleared days for them to teach Sonic as much as they could. Sonic... His name was a given. 'Sonic' was a name only properly understood by those who spoke Mobius' long forgotten language. In said language, 'Sonic' translated roughly to; 'To bend with the wind'. Their prince would be the very symbol of peace and honor. The one to take control, and yet bend as needed to be able to provide for his kingdom. From the moment he was born, Sonic had taken a liking to the wind that brushed against the world at will... the freedom the wind emphasised. Sonic was a perfect name. Until his fate changed. One night, Aleena's yelp of fear sent Jules straight to their room, spotting an alien-like creature hovering over their son's bassinet. Sonic was trying to grab at the creature, unafraid, despite the power emanating from it. Sonic giggled when the being looked over at the king and queen. "....What are you...? GET AWAY FROM MY BABY!" Aleena shouted, but Jules held her close. "Dear... that.... t-that's Chaos..." Jules said, and the being straightened as if to say it was. "Chaos?" Aleena questioned. "The God of all chaos energy and the oceans." Jules explained, feeling incredibly honored that Chaos appeared in his castle. "What brings you to us...?" Jules asked, and Chaos pointed to the child. A single drop of water from Chaos' finger fell onto the boy's nose, and his blue quills became a shining gold color, and his green eyes became a royal red. Sonic laughed again, and clapped, feeling the energy flow through him, and began crying when it disappeared. "...Our son?" Chaos nodded. "...What of him...?" Chaos walked to the king and placed a large white emerald in his hands. As soon as it touched the king's palm, a voice spoke to him and his queen. "This child. His energy matches my own. He is destined to take my place among the Gods. Until then, he is yours to raise... be sure he will be prepared." Jules nodded, not noticing his wife's horrified gaze. With that, Chaos disappeared, and Jules took the chaos emerald to his son and picked him up. Sonic tried to put the gem in his tiny mouth and cooed. "Aleena... isn't this phenomenal?! Chaos chose OUR boy!~ Hah! Our little Sonic, destined for greatness!" Jules cheered, but Aleena wasn't as thrilled. "No..." "...What do you mean no?" "No child of mine will bring danger to this kingdom." "Danger?" "Do you know how many souls will attack if word gets out? All Mobians feel chaos energy, they WILL find out. Wars will start over that... that... monster!" Aleena protested. "....This is a good thing... in all it's time, Chaos has NEVER chosen someone to be it's heir." "Chaos can have the child, but it will not remain in this castle." The queen stated, and the king tried to sway her. Aleena was not raised religiously, she did not care what God came for her child, she did not want the issues that came with such a special being in her home. After Sonic whined at another comment from his mother, Jules decided to stand firm as he himself prayed to Chaos as many other Mobians did. He trusted Chaos' judgement, and if it chose Sonic, then he would raise Sonic to be a respectable God. "....Need I find a new queen?" Aleena's glare fell to shock as Jules continued. "I understand you have less faith in this... but this is not up for discussion, Aleena. We keep Sonic, and we will raise him as well as possible. As Chaos intended. Forgive me dearest, but if it comes to you and my heir, I will choose my son." Jules stated, taking the slightly distressed Sonic to another room for the night.

Unfortunately for Jules, Aleena had other plans. She pretended to accept her role, and for the next two weeks she acted as if she cared for the infant. Then, she took Sonic out to the woods. Sonic babbled at her, trying to start a conversation... as his mother set up a ritual. Sonic was sat in the center of a pentagram, and he just stared as his mother spoke words that were not English, but instead were in the very same language Sonic's name came from. Sonic tried to crawl away, growing bored of their outing, but froze when the single guard accompanying the queen was stabbed by the queen herself. Sonic then felt the ground under him disappear, sending him falling into a new world. Aleena screamed for guards and her husband after cleaning up the evidence against her, and acted frantic, viewing the rushing water of the river next to her. Jules rushed to her with armed guards at his side. "Aleena?!" "S-Sonic! He... my baby!" Aleena cried. She had everyone believing that the prince was tossed into the river by the guard she killed. The king believed her lies... and her kingdom was safe from the curse of the chosen one.

Sonic fell in silence, not minding the wind blowing past his face. The bright and deep shades of red were new to him. A completely different color from Green Hills. When Sonic landed, he landed harshly on the ground and pouted angrily at the discomfort after sitting up. He then looked around for his mother and father, but saw no one he recognized. "Ha...!" Sonic tried to call for help, but gave up pretty quickly. Instead, he explored. Some 'funny looking Mobians' glanced at him, some stared a bit longer than others. And eventually, Sonic had to crawl away as fast as possible, and took cover inside an uncovered pipe. Sonic shook in fear as some people looked at him and grabbed at him. He was thankful that there was a usable weapon inside the pipe. He stabbed at and hissed at everyone who dared to get too close for his liking. Until somebody else came into the picture. The abrupt rush of footsteps caused him to curl up in a protective ball, and some white noise filled his ears. Then, a hand touched his quills. Sonic responded by growling and stabbing the hand. Whoever had tried to take him pulled away before looking back inside the pipe. Sonic was curious about the man staring at him with a smile on his face. The man spoke some nonsense the hoglet couldn't properly hear from inside the pipe, so he just stabbed him again. When Sonic saw the chair appear, he laid down and smiled, very entertained by how annoyed the man was with him.

{Present Day}

Yes Sonic's limited knowledge would answer a few questions his father had, but whenever he questioned his son, Sonic wouldn't answer. Sonic hated that he didn't have all the answers. But... Alastor made his peace with not knowing. Sonic was his now. Where he came from didn't matter, all that mattered was that Sonic was safe and sound in his real home.

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