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N O V E M B E R | 1 9 4 3

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N O V E M B E R | 1 9 4 3

Murder Spree at Ghillore Valley: Five teenage deaths in total

It was one cloudy afternoon in mid-November. The sun barely shone and the wind blew an eerie breeze as the news about the successive murders continued to spark rumors and fear in the busy streets of Ghillore Valley. Day by day, everyone spoke of the newspaper headlines. Families mourned. Strangers were intrigued. The bizarre deaths of the victims seemed to be one big hell of a jigsaw puzzle.

The murder spree lasted for over a month, of which a total of five deaths were accumulated. The victims, the brutally murdered victims, were all teenagers with ages ranging close to each other.

The official report about the pooled cases states that the murders took place at different places and different times, but the authorities were able to find the connection between the victims who went to the same school and were of the same year level.

Although the pooled cases were handled with confidentiality, a couple pieces of information were leaked and the televisions and radios carelessly added fuel to the fire of the public's fear and curiosity about the macabre massacre.

The first victim was named Belinda Choi. 16-year-old. Female. 5'3 feet tall of fair complexion. She fell from the Twin Bell Towers, which was as tall as a 5-storey building, down to the busy highway and got run over by a ten-wheeler truck almost immediately after her fall which instantly led to her death. The victim was only identified through the identification card found along her contorted, unrecognizable mangled flesh. Although initially labeled as suicide, her case was re-investigated after a week when a witness claimed they saw the victim with another person, in this case a potential suspect, at the place of the suspected murder. The victim's family and friends insisted on foul play but due to the lack of evidence supporting the claim, the possible culprit was never identified.

The second victim was Casciano Cordova. 16-year-old. Male. 5 '6 feet tall of tanned complexion. The murder happened a week after the first case. His body was found inside the school campus. Both his hands and feet were tied up and he was believed to have died of blood loss from the deep incision on his neck. It is also worth mentioning that his eyeballs were nowhere to be found. Unfortunately, not enough evidence was available to point to a possible culprit.

The third murder happened just a few days after the last. The victim was Constantine Lavigne. 16-year-old. Female. 5 '2 feet tall of light complexion. The victim was kidnapped and her family received a call from an unknown number where the victim's scream and cries of agony were heard in the background. The call ended after a gunshot and the authorities were not able to track the number down. The victim's corpse was found in one of the school's basement five days after the call when the body started emitting a foul, rotting smell. Signs of blunt force traumas were found around her head and face, and as suggested by the background noise during the call, the victim died of a gunshot to her head. Still no evidence pointing to a possible culprit.

The fourth victim was identified as Graciana Gario. 17-year-old. Female. 5'4 feet tall of tanned complexion. Her autopsy report showed blunt force traumas around her head, as well as her arms which she might have used as defense. She died of multiple stab wounds in the chest and her body was found holding the murder weapon herself. The weapon was immediately investigated but all fingerprints found belonged to the victim. No other evidence was found to be utilized in search of a potential culprit.

The last victim was Andoy Fillejo. 17-year-old. Male. 5 '7 feet tall of fair complexion. Before his unfortunate death, the victim was able to report to the authorities the weird notes he has been receiving for a couple of days. Although the notes didn't imply any harm or possible threats and the authorities suggested it was only some sort of prank, the victim insisted it was clearly a death threat from the culprit and that he was next in line to be murdered. He and his family pleaded for the notes to be examined but the investigation still led to nothing. A couple of days later, the victim would be dead. He was believed to have been burned alive in a storage room near their family's farm house. The fire was so severe that the victim was not immediately identified. The authorities remained clueless of the culprit's identity.

The bother and worries over the gruesome murder spree was quick to spread across the whole town and even nearby cities and continues to resonate as the stories were passed down from generations to generations. Theories were made. Speculations varied from one person to another. Everyone started pointing fingers to who could have possibly done the murders.

The police authorities, on the other hand, were shamed for not being able to solve the disturbing and seemingly well-orchestrated murders of the five identified teenagers. The thought of a serial killer out on the loose, freely walking the streets of Ghillore Valley immensely petrified the public.

As the murder spree case became more and more impossible to puzzle, with every clue and details all leading to a dead end, rumors of witchcraft, cults, and rituals began to sprout out of every mouth and swarm every ears of people across all corners of the now disturbed town.

People began to ask questions of what happened before the murders took place. What did the victims do? Where did they go? Who were they with?

And then it all started to make sense.

The victims, who happened to actually be a group of friends, before the murder spree even began, were said to have played the cursed game, dating back to the 1600's, that is believed to have caused the madness and killings in the same town a hundred years prior.

Everyone was convinced that the game and the witchcraft behind it was awakened once again and had caused yet another havoc in town. Because no one could have possibly orchestrated such clean, and unsolvable murder spree

. . . unless it's a curse.

⋘ the murder mystery begins... ⋙

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