Chapter Six - Chit Chat

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Spectator sighed, as he didn't enjoy Vinyl's visits. And apparently she was to stay for dinner, and that was exhausting in itself. As though their talk of politics wasn't enough, there would be an extra weight of eyes staring him down; Corduroy. They all sat at the grand marble table, presented with skimpy amounts of food that seemed almost uncustomary for him. He settled in a seat, putting his hands awkwardly on the table. To keep his mind away from things he picked at an uneven worn away spot that was avoided during sanding. It took everyone a while, but eventually they all sat. Cosmar and Vis in their large throne like chairs on either side of the table. Spectator, Dol, Corduroy, Lady Vinyl, and a few of what he assumed to be barons of sorts sat in average chairs. He never got too overly interested in their politics, so didn't know half of them. Dol gave an uneasy glare, and he wasn't sure if that meant it would be bad. Vis spoke up once it silenced, "well come now. A bit of chit chat won't hurt." She raised a few claws in gesture. "Gossip does." One of the baron-seeming people spoke up. An Angelo, her demeanor very dull. "I suppose this is about your daughters death.. Not as salty before.." Vinyl tested to the Angelo. "In a dirty alleyway nonetheless.." the woman mused with a sort of smirk. Everyone seemed to be in pure shock, aside from Corduroy's hard stare and Vis' continuous smile. He couldn't believe his mother would actually encourage this behavior. Apparently, the Angelo was Lady Laurene. A kind soul, Spectator gathered. Granddaughter of their Subruler. He noticed he was quite elderly, and skimmed the lines of class and pushover delicate flower. Laurene held her fork tightly within her claws. "If that will be the topic of discussion, then I will see myself out and bid you farewell." She kindly reposed, her shoulders confidently raising. Her glimmering dress shifted, along with the earrings clinking along her ears. Vinyl rolled her eyes and Vis went to something else, "I hear of a certain.. Peste that's been up to trouble." She gave a hard stare, seemingly at Cosmar. When he didn't realize and lazily poked at a piece of meat on a plate she pressed, "with a rather.. High kill count that's climbing higher." Her head cocked back. Cosmar went sour, as though knowing something. His ears pinned and fur went flat. What was noticeably a Peste representative here today was audibly raising with sleek dress armor shifting. His silver eyes twitched while he looked to Cosmar, as if awaiting a response of some sort. His deep blue scales were swirled with white bits of scales and varying dusky blue hues. "General Sail is sorting the matters out." Cosmar grunted as of recently recovering on choking. General, Spectator noted. The Peste turned away and looked over his shoulder, in complete silence. "I keep my people in order." Vinyl snorted. If it weren't pure bone her snout would have been as crinkled as a crushed can. "Only because you confine them to dumpsters like rats." Spectator piped up. His chair made a horrid squeal as he pushed it back to stand on impulse, and as everyone flinched away he gave a hard stare. Dol glared over, concern raising as her pupils shrunk vastly. Spectator had hit his breaking point. He twisted his lip in a snarl, the fur along his shoulders and spine twinged and raised. "I will be leaving now, your 'chit chat'" he said with heavy emphasis while making air quotes with his claws, turning to sneer at Vis, "has reached its ultimate limit." He stormed off with heavy footsteps into the desolate halls, and no one moved to stop him. He hated them all the more for that. He rapidly scratched beneath his chin, a nervous tick overtaking him. He released clumps of fur that had easily ripped off. "Brat." Lady Vinyl barked, then clamped her jaws shut.

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