Part XII

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Ansel was fixing his tie in the mirror when a ringing noise came from his phone.

Mom, great.

' Guten Abend mein Sohn. ' (good evening my son.)

'Guten Abend mutter. ' (good evening mother.)

'Ansel, me and your sister arrived yesterday to New York and we want to see you. Are you free now?'

'I have plans mom, not tonight.'

'But tomorrow morning we're leaving, honey. Your sister wants to see you also. '

'Alright, meet me at this address, it's a Italian restaurant, I might come with someone. '

'Someone? Oh Lord, the woman I keep seeing pictures with you? She's everywhere on the news, even in Germany. '

'Yes, with her. '

'That's great, I would love to see the woman that will finally put you in your place. ' his sister's voice was screeching in the background from the other end.

'I'll see you there are 7:30, ok mom? '

'Yes, see you then son. '

Great, how the hell is he going to tell Kathia that his mom and sister want to meet her? This is going on another level, he was afraid that everything will go to hell.

He knocked on her apartment door just shortly before 7. Click clack noise from her heels approached the door, and he could feel his hands get sweaty in anticipation.

I don't deal well with refusals.

'Hi Ansel. ' Kathia looked breathtaking, she choose to wear a light blue silk dress that can be pulled apart just by a piece of string tightened around her small waist, images of what hides underneath clouded his mind and he forgot how to breathe for a moment.

'Mein schatz... you look beautiful. ' Ansel said flaring his nostrils at her enchanting perfume.

'You too, shall we go?'

'Just one thing,' he began talking with a fearful voice '...someone wants to join us. ' she gently tipped her neck, curiosity flashing in her eyes. ' My mother and sister. ' she looked taken by surprise but a smile came on her face.

'Great, let's go then. ' he was stunned. Just like that?

She accepted too easily, he was expecting a refusal.

'Are you sure you're ok with that?' he still couldn't find a reason as tonwhy she's so carefree about this.

'Why not? they are your family and plus, we're friends. Friends get to know each other's families.'

Of course, she's still pushing the friends thing.

Sadly they passed the friendship border the moment he first kissed her and she literally melted into his arms.

But then again, she had a habit of lying to herself, while Ansel was pure transparency.

'You are right. Nothing can go wrong.' he let her carefree attitude seep into him and relax all the drive to the restaurant.

'When did you decide to open a restaurant? Where is this interest coming from?'

'Well to be honest I already have a few restaurants in Germany and Belgium, and the opportunity came in here so I took it. '

'How do you even have time for all of this?'

'I do mein schatz, I guess my mom raised me to be organised and it never left my system. '

Crossing lines -An Office Passion StoryWhere stories live. Discover now