Part IX

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She finally got done for the day, formally putting and end to this year's plans. It was time to go home but as Ansel drove them to work she had to call him to ask for a ride back. She pulled out the white phone that Ansel got for her and pressed his name, the only contact in her phone.

His deep voice sent a wave of heat through her body.

'Hello, mein schatz. '

'Hi. Are you done for today?'

'Yes, are you ready to go?'

'Yes I am, sorry you have to be the driver again. '

A chuckle came from the other end of the call and for sure it didn't do anything holy to her body.

'My pleasure, mein schatz. Meet you at the car in 10 minutes. '

She gave in to curiosity and googled his little nickname for her, he avoided answering her when she asked what it means.

After a few tries she got the wording right, mein schatz = my precious one.

She instantly felt herself blush like a highschool girl when she found out the most popular guy in school likes her. The image of his face close up to hers in the elevator came fast to haunt her mind.

My precious one.

She grabbed her belongings and pressed the parking level button in the elevator.

She got nervous, she looked for excuses as to why he acted that way with her before, she thought it was because she was weak, that he felt sorry for her and believed that that was the only way to comfort her but now... Now his words hit back at her 'I want you.'

My precious one.

He was already in front of his car with his hands relaxed in his trousers pockets. His mind seemed far away.

'Mister Till?' he snapped his head towards her in surprise. 'Are you ok?' his natural frown appeared on his face.

'Mein schatz, I'm fine, don't worry about me. Let's go.'


They reached The Capitol' s building way too soon, she wanted to stay around Ansel a little longer, she was not ready to be alone just yet.

'What time do you want to leave tomorrow?'

'Is 6 in the afternoon ok for you? It's a long drive to Ema's house. '

Ansel gently pressed the button of the elevator to her level absentmindedly.

'That should be fine. Rest plenty tonight and I'll see you tomorrow. ' he seemed distant and cautious. She didn't like that. As he turned around to leave, she got a hold of his sleeve to stop him in his tracks.

'Umm... ' he turned towards her slowly and cautiously.

'Main schatz, what is it?' there was worry embedded in his eyes and voice, and she couldn't help but feel guilty at her selfishness.

'Stay with me for a little while... ' was all she said, feeling embarrassed and unprotected if he would leave her. 'Please?'

A warm feeling dressed her as he placed his arms around her torso and hugged her tightly close to his chest.

I'm selfish. Katia scolded herself in her mind.

They went inside her small apartment walking aimlessly and surrounded by silence.

Crossing lines -An Office Passion StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin