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After I flatly rejected his offer to resign from the hotel and work for him, a tinge of disappointment was clearly visible on his face

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

After I flatly rejected his offer to resign from the hotel and work for him, a tinge of disappointment was clearly visible on his face. After the conversation was finished, he took me home to the boarding house.

The rain has stopped. On the road there were several trees that had fallen due to the strong winds. After entering the intersection towards my boarding house, I started to have a bad feeling. Seeing the road filled with mud and the residents busy brushing their terraces, I suspected that there had been a flood on this road earlier.

We arrived at the front of the alley. Water as high as adults' ankles could be seen pooling along thealley.

"It looks like this area is flooded," he said.

I just sighed imagining my boarding house which had been completely destroyed by the flood. My mattress was definitely not saved from the wrath of the mud.

We rolled up our trousers to our calves before getting out of the car.

"Be careful," he said. He held my wrist and walked ahead through the puddle.

When we arrived at the front of the boarding house, we found all the occupants of the rooms busy draining the water from their respective rooms. We looked at each other..

"Are you sure you want to stay here tonight?" he asked in a concerned tone.

I nodded, then opened the fence. He followed me to the front of the room. When the door opened, the situation in my room was exactly as I imagined. The water had receded, but mud had piled up everywhere. My light blue bed sheets had turned brown. Just looking at it makes me dizzy and confused about where to start cleaning it.

Suddenly he patted my shoulder. When I saw him, in his hand he already had a shovel, a broom stick, and a rubber broom.

"The room won't get any cleaner if you just look around. Let's go!" he exclaimed enthusiastically.

His enthusiasm rubbed off on me. I nod my head and take off my jacket. I took the rubber broom from him. He entered my room first and took out a foam mattress that was soaking wet and very heavy.

"This is no longer suitable for use. Just throw it away," he said. Without my consent, he pulled him over the fence and put him in the trash.

Sweep the mud stuck all over the floor. A few moments later he came with a bucket of clean water. He splashed it on the floor.

I admit he is very clever at work. He also didn't seem disgusted or awkward when holding a broom and mopping my room. Even though he was someone who was rich from birth.

After working together for more than an hour, finally my boarding room was clean and fragrant again. But the problem is, I don't have a place to sleep tonight.

"It's already 2 in the morning. You should rest. How about you stay at my apartment tonight," he suggested. For the umpteenth time, I looked so pathetic in front of him.

Forbidden Feeling  [ Revenge and Romance ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora